Private Label Tactics Exposed! How To Modify PLR For Maximum Returns!

"OK...  You've Got Your 15,000 PLR Articles... NOW WHAT???"

...You are about to ACCESS How the Big Boys Legally STEAL These Products and Make $1,000's Every Month Doing It...

Read On If You Are..

Uninspired and having problems getting product ideas?

Investing too much money on product development and not getting anywhere?

Wasting too much time finding the next big product ideas?

From The Desk Of:  BB Profitz

If any of the above applies to you, then this will be one of the most important letters that will reveal to you how you can save money, save time, producing unique and high in demand products!

You can make money on the Internet through many avenues but creating your own product that solves a problem, yet helps your customers is a great way to make money online.

What may scare you is you don't know where to start or you don't know what type of digital product you should create.

Worry no more because ALL those questions and many more will be answered here alone.

This System Is So Easy To Follow, Even For Newbies!

That means if you've never created a product in your life, you'll walk away knowing how to do just that with this video series.

There's no secret here. In fact it's all about using existing Private Label Rights Products and making them into your own product. You see with the PLR craze, there are so many digital products coming out on the market which you can make your own or even better, add your own ideas on to of them.

Don't know what Private Label Rights Products are? No problem. PLR products are the fastest way to develop your own products and save hours of trying to start one.  Whether the product is an article, ebook, audio article/ebook, video, or software, the best part is that you don't have to create the original idea, but you can add onto it! You simply purchase the Private Label rights to author that gaves these rights!

PLR products allow you to start with an idea and add onto it so you don't have to spend countless hours banging your head on the wall.

If Private Label Rights Are So Good Why Isn't Everyone Else Using It?

BIGGEST PROBLEM:  People stamp their name on a PLR product and sell it.  By doing that, the full potential of the PLR product is not being used.  If you're just the same as 1000's of other people out there that are doing the same thing, then your profits are going to be high and you'll end up wondering why your profits aren't what they could be.

There is a small percentage of people that take an extra step and make more money than the other crowd.

The question is how can you be part of this small percentage?


The importance of creating sellable products is how they solve a common problem and how unique they are. 

The answer is change the PLR product so dramatically that it looks nothing like the original and has many features added onto it that it sells many times more.  Use PLR as the "mid point", not the ending point.  It's just the beginning and the PLR product has helped you jump over the starting point.

Introducing Private Label Product Ideas For Newbies


So What's In These Videos That Will
Help Jump Start Your Sales?

This video series takes you by the hand, step by step, click by click to creating a great product that not only sells, but increases your profit by several times more!

Here are the six videos..

1) Getting Started, Intro to Private Label Rights, and Tools you need:
[11 minutes and 0 seconds]

One the biggest problems you may run into during product creation is you don't know where to start, you have writer's block, or idea block.  Or you don't have enough time and money.  This where we will talk about how you can use Private Label Content and turn them into unique products.  As I mentioned earlier, most people will take PLR products and stamp their name on it.  This video series will reveal to you ideas that you can use to stand out of the crowd.  You'll also learn the tools you need before watching the following videos.



2) Private Label Articles
[19 minutes and 51 seconds]

Private Label Articles is by far the most popular type of Private Label Product out there, simply because articles are shorter, easier to create, and more widely available.  Instead of just stamping your name on a PLR article, there many ideas that you'll learn in this video to reshaping PLR articles into different forms that will increase your product and sell value.





3) Private Label eBooks
[12 minutes and 11 seconds]

Private Label Ebooks are the next widely available type of PLR product because it is written.  Since ebooks are larger, you can generally do a lot more with them when you reshape them into different product formats.  In this video you'll learn how to do just that and much more.  Once you can grasp the main concept of the ebook, you'll understand how to easily make them unique.  It doesn't matter if 1000 other people have PLR to the same ebook, you'll learn how to stand out from the crowd.




4) Private Label Audio Ebooks, Audio Articles
[11 minutes and 56 seconds]


In this video, we won't be going over just the basics, you'll learn many neat out of the box ideas that most people will not even think about that we'll talk about in this video.  By using these ideas, you'll be ahead of the crowd.





5) Private Label Videos
[10 minutes and 18 seconds]

When you get Private Label Rights to videos, most people will resell them.  But what good does that do when 100's of other people are doing the same thing?  It is not hard at all to rebrand videos, add audio, add and remove video clips, and more.  You'll learn how to do that and you'll learn new ideas that'll allow you to think outside the box to reshape videos into other product forms.




6) Private Label Software
[2 minutes and 33 seconds]

It doesn't matter if you have ZERO amount of knowledge on how to write software code.  In this video, you'll learn how to gain access to a Private Label Source Code and take it to the next level.  While others may resell it without even stamping their names on it the source code, you'll be learning how to add features and remove features w/o even touching the program.  You'll learn tricks and tips to keeping your costs down when you hire programmers to change your software.  You'll also learn how to keep yourself safe when you hire someone that you don't even know.


So...with that said, don't walk, but run. Grab this now and start creating exceptional digital products of your own not by starting from scratch, but by leveraging off other people's work! It's time to take yourself and your business to the next level of success!

PLR Tactics Exposed!
60 Day NO-Risk Acceptance Form!

Yes! I'm ready to take my marketing skills to the next level! I'm serious about my business and will put into practice what you teach me knowing full well that I'll get the results I need!

Yes! I understand that this is a time-sensitive offer and that there is no other course on the web offering the same value for money which you're offering now.

Yes! I also understand that I'm safe with your honest no-hassle money-back guarantee. For any reason I'm not completely satisfied with the quality of your product even after applying your methods, I simply Email you for a quick and prompt refund.

Only that basis allow me to place my order..

Only $97


Limited Time Special Offer Ends Soon!

BB Profitz


P.S. This is the most risk-free way start building your own empire of digital products with a step-by-step video guide of how it should be done.

P.P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy these videos will show you how to apply these techniques. Make sure you get your copy now before you forget about it later!


NO THANKS... I will just get my 15,000 PLR Articles by checking my email now...


PLR Tactics Exposed. Copyright . All Rights Reserved.


ewriter pro
"Now You Can Easily Create Highly Profitable Professional Looking PDF Ebooks Without
Paying Hundreds Of Dollars For Complicated
Software  And Without Fiddling Around
With Clunky Word Processors!... "

Have you been looking for a way to simplify your PDF creation?

Have you been looking for a better and easier way to work with your articles?

If you answered yes to either of these questions you will be excited to know that you are about to learn how you can combine these two tasks into one simple program and much more....

"This Killer Tool Has Everything Including
Built-In Word Processor And PDF-Converter
To Make Creating Your eBooks A Breeze!"

e-writer pro pdf converter

Time: Saturday, 8 a.m.

Dear Friend,

I have created a software package that allows people to create, edit and distribute their own ebooks and articles.You may say Jim, there is already FREE software out there that does this.

After reading many forums and people asking how to create hyperlinks or pdf’s I decided to create my own software that makes it easier than ever to make that money making content we all dream of.

Not only can you create your own content but you will have everything organized by grouping your content in niche categories.

"You Can Set Your Business On Autopilot
Creating An Immense Amount Of
Cashflow For Years To Come."

A brief introduction to E-Writer Pro…

Now you can easily create, edit and distribute your own ebooks and articles. Here is what E-Writer Pro will let you do easily and effectively.

Have everything you need in one software application.

Generate PDF’s with security options.

Save security features used to generate PDF’s.

Create your own beautiful looking books or articles.

Save books or articles in Word, RTF, Text or HTML.

Open Word, RTF, Text and HTML for editing.

Hyperlinks can be added making your Books and Articles even more viral.

Complete Powerful word processor.

Allow the reminder system to keep you informed when a special task needs to be accomplished.

Backup all Books, Articles, and Reminders all with one button click.

Categorize all your ebooks and articles into niches and sub-niches.

You can use this software tool to build your business virally. One Article can make you thousands of dollars every year. One Good E-book can make you a small fortune and in that E-book can be easily filled with your own links back to other products you are selling or to affiliate products you promote.

"Use E-Writer Pro to Edit And Publish
All Those PLR Books And Reports
Collecting Dust On Your Hard Drive!"
Think about the possibilities E-Writer Pro can give you.

You have all those Private Label Rights books and articles just sitting there on you Hard Drive Collecting Virtual Dust. Why not use E-Writer Pro to edit that book or article?

You can open your project and work on it till you get tired or run into writers block then just save it and come back and finish it when your ready. No More opening several programs to do your work. Open E-Writer Pro pull up the book or article and Bam, your ready to continue working.

Here's a look at one of the panels inside eWriter Pro:


Note the easy layout and the modern look. Inserting a footer, for example, is as easy as pie. So is inserting page numbers.

It's easy as pie to insert...

  • images
  • footers
  • page breaks
  • page numbers
  • text  frames 
  • EVEN Hyperlinks!
You'll also have the functionality to secure your eBooks. The screenshot below is of a panel that permits you to add a password  a useful utility in certain sales situations.
"Lets Look At Some Screen Shots
To See The Easy To Use Interface!"

E-Book Editor Screen - As you can see there are different options
available to you. You can either open a new document or open a file
you have saved on your computer already.

File Tab Screen - As you can see here E-Writer Pro has a nice clean interface with all the standard editor options. Plus when your done you can convert your Doc. right to a PDF file complete with security features.

Style Screen - Here you can change the style of font and its properties
and set your justification.


Insert Screen - Here you can change the style of font and its properties and set your justification. You can use E-Writer Pro to set text frames, insert images even add headers, footers  and page numbers.

"So What About Your Articles?"

I haven't forgotten this aspect in E-Writer Pro either. You can edit your
articles here are some screen shots for you so you can see and not just
have to take my word for it.

Main Screen - Same as with the E-Book editor :-)

Article Editor Screen -
The options here give you statistics ability, you
zoom in, search, do copy and paste tasks and even spell check.

Insertion Screen -  Just as with the E-Book editor you have all the
features you need to create a great articles time after time

"And Just So You Dont Forget Anything..."

A reminder pad has been added as an extra feature for you. -  Keep track of where you left off or set a reminder of what you want to accomplish. I am sure you can see the usefulness of this small feature.

One Click PDF Creation -Once you're done writing your ebook,
just hit the PDF icon to instantly turn it into a downloadable
PDF file!

Locked And Secured - You'll also have the functionality to secure
your ebooks. The screenshot below is of a panel that permits you to
add a password as well as enable or disable 
printing, copying etc.

"E-Writer Pro Is Really All 
About Speed & Convenience"

You'll be up and running in no time  and you'll produce clean, clear, crisp PDFs. That can add superior value to your infoproducts business.

Sometimes an Internet Marketer has to be able to turn on a dime. Hitting the streets first with a hot information product gives you a big competitive advantage. eWriterPro is perfect for your desktop computer in your home or office or your laptop.

eWriterPro is worth having  even if you're already an eBook professional. It's just a cool tool. 

And because Master Resale Rights are included with this offer, not only can you use eWriterPro to make your eBooks, you also can sell the software itself.

You'll keep 100 percent of the profits.

If you haven't yet entered the eBook arena, here's your chance to get the tool you'll need to create word-processing documents  and convert them to PDFs instantly. 

Selling digital products is a rewarding pursuit. Get yourself set up with a free PayPal account. Find a company to host your sales website inexpensively. Get started down the path to making and selling information products and delivering them online automatically.

"It's Not A Steep Learning Curve.
You Can Do This!"

For veteran Internet Marketers, well, take a look around your hard drive. You probably have PLR content you can convert to PDFs using eWriterPro. 

And, of course, you can sell your original content. Get started today, using eWriterPro. A brief User Manual is included in the purchase price of eWriterPro. It walks you through the basics. Play with the program for a while. You'll emerge a Pro in no time at all.

Here's A Screenshot Of The User Manual :
Note That It Was Composed With eWriter Pro

e-writer pro manual and license

 Master Resale Rights Included!

Not only will you enjoy using eWriterPro, you'll also get Master Resale Rights to this software with your purchase. You'll be authorized to resell it for 100 percent profit. 

An editable Sales Page and Thank You Page template is included in the package, as is the User Manual and License.

Have fun with this product, Friend. Create your eBooks. Sell them at a profit. And exercise the Master Resale License! 

"What People Are Saying..."

"eWriterPro is great for writing articles and ebooks, but what I like most is how it keeps everything organized in one place. I can sort by niche or category which is handy when you've got a bunch of different projects going. The backup feature is pretty good too."

Jeff Hiebert 

At last! A simple tool that makes creating ebooks easy! Instead of fighting behemoth software with arcane commands doing who knows what (that suddenly screw up what you were doing when you accidentally hit the wrong key) -- you can create an ebook practically in the time it takes you to launch the help file of other programs.

"Add the utility of the ebook & article buttons and easy-to-find and use backup problems with a reminder - this has got to be darn close to ideal for rapid turn around of articles and ebooks."

Judy Kettenhofen

"Adding text boxes and pictures couldn't be easier. I like being able to pick up just about any format and convert it to a clean looking PDF.

I have used a lot of PDF conversion programs, even some of the free programs but somehow you always loose the formating. With eWriterPro its simple and quick. I also love that the software keeps all of your source non PDF files in an archive to reopen and edit quickly."

Jonathan McGuire


"Yes MARK Count Me In Right Now!
I Just Have To Get This Incredible Package For Just $6!

(Vista and XP Compatible! Sorry, Mac Fans.)

Secure Payments Made Through PayPal & 2checkout. 


I understand that this offer has a 365 day money back guarantee. I have 365 days to use "eWriterPro" and if it does not deliver what it promised, I can return it for a prompt and courteous refund.

"Master Resell Rights Included" Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Amazing Solutions CC.
We accept the following Payment methods:

Wising You Success,
Mark Abrahams

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How It Works
Passive Riches?
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CopynProfit 3.0 Member's Area Tour

There are 4 videos in this series - each covering a different 'section' of CNP3. Watch them in whatever order, and feel free to leave any comments below.

Video 1 - Overview of the backoffice:

Video 2 - Top Navigation - Tools, Interactive Features



Video 3: core Training, Insta-Cash, Passive Riches, Plug-n-Play modules, Ready to use stuff...



Video 4 - Organizational tools, wrap up

All in all, we've spent upwards of $40,000, and hundreds of hours of manpower developing this. But more important, we've actually taken the time to consider WHAT it is that you actually need - all that money spent would have been a waste if we weren't 100% sure that we were developing something truly worthwhile!

Consider the TRUE value of what CNP3 represents (not some overinflated fake figure many people associate with their products) :

Backlinking System - $147/month true value (Linkvana costs that)

Ready to use websites/themes - $97/month (products with ZERO flexibility and SEO options sell for $300+ $67/month)

Ready to use listbuilding giveaways - $50-$500/month (depends on how many you use - I say use 'em all!)

SEO Analysis Tool - $50+ per month - The only other one that does similar stuff costs $7 per report (you get unlimited reports).

CNP-Interact - $40/month - other similar membership areas (without the extra features we have) cost $40 or more per month.

Insta-Cash Techniques - $500+ each - I've seen a couple of these being taught for $500+ (and not correctly either!)

Passive Riches - $5000+ - One of these is an actual course that was sold for $900/copy!

Ready to use Templates for posts/ads/emails - $200-$300/month based on who you hire to do these for you!

Ready to use Niche/Keyword/Product research updated every month - $300+/month depending on who you you get this from.

Complete and unlimited hosting on unique IPs - $5-6/month

One-on-One directl phone/Skype consultations with us - $300+/HOUR (okay, no need to say anything about this one!)

...and more...

So add it all up, and you find that this is a REAL value of $1400+ per month!

That's not an over-inflated number - that truly is what you get with this...though the reality is that it will be worth a LOT more to you once you recognize that this will REALLY help you make money very quickly, and for the long run!

Waht that is worth to you, I cannot guess, but I know it is definitely worth a whole lot more than just a measly $5 + $97/month! Most of the people who apply what I teach in here and use the tools as they are intended will make many times more within their first month!

Anyway...I'll shut up and let you think about it yourself :)

Feel free to share your thoughts, concerns, and questions below!



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© 2009 Copyright Copynprofit 3.0. All rights reserved.
ShoeMoney Xtreme Free Internet Course

I'm Jeremy "ShoeMoney" Schoemaker and for 13 years I've been building successful online businesses. For the past five years I've been working hard writing a book to help others get started online. I recently decided that there is just too much great information in my book to exclude people from reading it. I have now backed out of my major book deal and turned it into a completely FREE 12 week guide to Internet marketing. No strings attached. Enter your email and start receiving the weekly guides directly in your inbox!

  1. Week 1 - The Beginner's Guide To Internet Marketing
  2. Week 2 - Affiliate Marketing 101: Everything You Need To Know To Start Promoting Products
  3. Week 3 - Market Research: How To Crush Your Competitors And Discover Hot Niches
  4. Week 4 - Introduction to Pay Per Click
  5. Week 5 - Advanced Pay Per Click
  6. Week 6 - SEO Tips, Tricks, and Tactics
  7. Week 7 - Content Creation: How To Create Articles That Attract Users And Increase Sales
  8. Week 8 - Marketing: How To Use Social Media To Spread Your Brand
  9. Week 9 - Make That Cash: 10 Ways To Monetize Your Site And Increase Profitability
  10. Week 10 - Testing & Tracking: How To Optimize Your Site & Make Sense Of The Figures
  11. Week 11 - Building Your Team: How To Network With Others And Find Long Term Partners
  12. Week 12 - Launch Day: How To Kick Start Your Business And Manage Your Projects
How It Works
Passive Riches?
Contact Us
About Us
CopynProfit 3.0 Member's Area Tour

There are 4 videos in this series - each covering a different 'section' of CNP3. Watch them in whatever order, and feel free to leave any comments below.

Video 1 - Overview of the backoffice:

Video 2 - Top Navigation - Tools, Interactive Features



Video 3: core Training, Insta-Cash, Passive Riches, Plug-n-Play modules, Ready to use stuff...



Video 4 - Organizational tools, wrap up

All in all, we've spent upwards of $40,000, and hundreds of hours of manpower developing this. But more important, we've actually taken the time to consider WHAT it is that you actually need - all that money spent would have been a waste if we weren't 100% sure that we were developing something truly worthwhile!

Consider the TRUE value of what CNP3 represents (not some overinflated fake figure many people associate with their products) :

Backlinking System - $147/month true value (Linkvana costs that)

Ready to use websites/themes - $97/month (products with ZERO flexibility and SEO options sell for $300+ $67/month)

Ready to use listbuilding giveaways - $50-$500/month (depends on how many you use - I say use 'em all!)

SEO Analysis Tool - $50+ per month - The only other one that does similar stuff costs $7 per report (you get unlimited reports).

CNP-Interact - $40/month - other similar membership areas (without the extra features we have) cost $40 or more per month.

Insta-Cash Techniques - $500+ each - I've seen a couple of these being taught for $500+ (and not correctly either!)

Passive Riches - $5000+ - One of these is an actual course that was sold for $900/copy!

Ready to use Templates for posts/ads/emails - $200-$300/month based on who you hire to do these for you!

Ready to use Niche/Keyword/Product research updated every month - $300+/month depending on who you you get this from.

Complete and unlimited hosting on unique IPs - $5-6/month

One-on-One directl phone/Skype consultations with us - $300+/HOUR (okay, no need to say anything about this one!)

...and more...

So add it all up, and you find that this is a REAL value of $1400+ per month!

That's not an over-inflated number - that truly is what you get with this...though the reality is that it will be worth a LOT more to you once you recognize that this will REALLY help you make money very quickly, and for the long run!

Waht that is worth to you, I cannot guess, but I know it is definitely worth a whole lot more than just a measly $5 + $97/month! Most of the people who apply what I teach in here and use the tools as they are intended will make many times more within their first month!

Anyway...I'll shut up and let you think about it yourself :)

Feel free to share your thoughts, concerns, and questions below!



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© 2009 Copyright Copynprofit 3.0. All rights reserved.
The Affiliate Code
The Instant Money Code
First Name:
Email Address:

No Thanks...



This is NOT a joke, in less than 2 days; you can do the same
thing Chad Michaels does... DAY IN AND DAY OUT on autopilot.

And the best part about our system ... it’s totally hands free! (And set-up-cost? - ZERO ... ZILCH ... FREE!) Just keep reading and I'll explain...

You’re about to see what the Instant Money Code is all about… were talking about INSANE converting products, little to no cost involved, and the fattest wallet your neighbors have EVER seen…

Just look at some of these numbers...

FACT - 99 out of 100 Internet marketers FAIL. They struggle; buying product after product that leads them ALL down the same road. Confused, angry, and BROKE.

Before we get started, let me give you a quick snapshot of what instant money code is all about...

MLM – MLM is truly for suckers. Unless you’re at the top, you’re not going to win. With instant money code, you’re going to be your own boss.

COSTLY – There are NO setup fees involved here, just a onetime registration for our course material. This is a TRUE set and forget system, that every SINGLE person that markets online, NEEDS to implement into their business. If you aren’t, you’re losing money. Plain and simple.

NO CRAZY DEGREE REQUIRED – Chad worked on an oil rig for one summer. After that summer, he was driving a Bentley. Don’t believe me? Here's proof. If this underprivileged youth can do this, what makes you think you can’t? This is proven... over and over and over again.

Sit tight. Close the door to your office, shut off all distractions…

You’re about to learn how this 24 year old marketing newbie, turned himself into a Bentley driving, cash grabbing, fat cat  that moved to “planet money” in under a year.


He’s got the code. You need the code. Pay close attention!

From the Desk of Chad Michaels

Greetings fellow online money seeker!

I’m going to be real with you… I’m doing great as of today, BUT Growing up I was the poorest kid in school, all the way from kindergarten to college...

Nobody likes the poor kid; nobody wants to come to your house and play after school, no one cares what you got for Christmas, usually because it was nothing... no one cares what you’re doing after class.

Growing up was rough. VERY ROUGH. Not a lot of people around me were living in such squalor... see my parents did everything they could to keep me out of jail, in school and on the right path.

They lived paycheck to paycheck, sometimes running in the red, just to be able to afford a house in the good part of town... I owe my life to them.

After my sophomore year in college, right before the semester ended, I looked at the job board in the student union, and there was an ad that read the following:

"Summer Help Wanted" if you are a tough hardworking driven individual, then call this number. It read, "Excellent pay starting at $24 an hour!"

I thought to myself, WOW! $24 an hour… I’ll be able to buy a car with the money I save up this summer, and come back to college all set up!

Long story short, I fit the job description from that posting that day. I wanted nothing more than to begin to change my fortunes for the better.

I responded to the ad, and called the number. I found out it was a job working as a laborer on an oil rigging ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico!

Naturally I thought twice about taking the position, but that $24 an hour sounded really good, and I had heard from a professor once "if you do the same thing you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always gotten" So I decided to take the plunge.

My first day on the rig, I met a guy named Jordan McElwain. That’s when things started to become interesting to say the least.

Jordan was a little older than me about 24 and never went to college. Before long we got to know each other pretty good as you don’t really get to leave the rig when you’re out in the middle of the ocean.

Long story short, Jordan told me that this would be his last 4 months on the rig, as he had found an easier way to make a living.

Naturally intrigued I asked him what he was up to.

He said, Chad you seem like an upstanding guy, and I’m going to show you everything I’ve learned about making money.

See I do it online... and have just started to make enough where I can quit breaking my back out here on the rig!

Jordan went on to explain to me over the first 2 months everything he had learned about making money online, and I picked it up very easily...

Here was a guy that had no college experience, but was a hard working blue collar type guy that happened to make the right moves.

Anyway, he set me up with all the previous information he had purchased online, and on our days off, he would show me step by step exactly how he started earning a few bucks here and there, and then eventually how he got up to a full time income with just his internet connection in the middle of the gulf of Mexico.

So naturally I started to copy what he was doing...

It didn’t take long to be honest. Jordan had already made all the mistakes and wrong moves while he was learning how to do the online money making thing. AND he was doing it part time on his days off...

I got REALLY lucky running into Jordan on that rig. He took all the guess work out of it for me.

The one thing that Jordan kept saying was, "the money is in the list, the money is in the list" -- at first I couldn’t understand what he meant by that...

So one day, I asked him, what in the heck he meant by "the money is in the list" and he told me, Chad, every email address I have is worth $2.38 to me.

Then, he showed me something he never showed me before. It was his internet marketing bank account. He said, come here take a look at this...

It was at that point, that I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. From that point forward I wanted to be just like Jordan, only better...

See, what I was looking at was Jordan’s affiliate commissions for products that other people were paying him HUGE money to sell.

Some of the commissions were up over $80 EACH!, and SOME OF THEM were re- billing. EVERY MONTH, he was guaranteed to get a certain amount of money!

His list had grown to just over 20,000 people at this point. He KNEW that he would make about $2.38 for every email address on that list THIS YEAR. Which for him at the point worked out to $47,619 per year!

No wonder he was on the verge of quitting his day job.

With that math, he needed just 10,000 more subscribers to be up into the 60k a year income mark... and he knew he was going to get there in the next 4 months!

I was floored...

Let’s fast-forward to the end of that summer.

After breaking my back all summer long on that oil rig and working with Jordan on our time off...

You guessed it; the money was coming on like a waterfall... Not only from the oil rig, which made me a cool $15,000 that I banked away... but my online marketing had started to produce just under $500/week on top of it.

So I returned to college that next semester a changed person, not only was I tan, but I now had a bank roll that was replenishing itself week after week month after month.

By the way, in case you are wondering, yes, I bought a car. It was a Honda S2000 and it was bright blue.

I took that next summer and decided to concentrate full time on building my list and promoting good offers that paid me big.

After that second summer, my list had grown to well over 100,000 subscribers.

My list was making me around $8,000 per month, and I had put together a great bank account.

This was when I realized I had broken the CODE to getting money from the internet. There really was a system to it…  Jordan showed me how to do it, but now…

2 years later in the internet marketing business, 100s of products tried and put through the tests, this is where we are today…

Chad Michaels, Internet Marketer. And I HAVE THE CODE.

Look, I know. You’ve tried, and tried again… you’re not alone. Most people that try to make money online just can’t seem to get it together. Instant Money Code is what you have been searching for.

This whole course was developed by me, Chad Michaels. I have tested every single affiliate marketing strategy, every clickbank strategy, every PPC, SEO, PPV strategy out there. What came out was my instant cash generating system that is…


"Chad Michaels , what a guy!

He has been one of Lanty and I's best affiliates over the years, and frankly, I don't know if anybody else could fill his shoes.

The experiences that I have had with Chad, both online and off, are profitable, unforgettable, and just amazing in every way shape and form.

Thanks Chad!"

- Javan Robinson


    Instant money code is PURE magic in a bottle. Can you follow the instructions to a board game? Can you press play on a DVD player?

    Cut, copy, paste on a computer?

    I’ve made every single shortcut available, and my system generates me $16,000 a month....

 It’s time to share this code, and break the silence.

About 8 months ago, I decided I wanted to come out with THE BEST internet marketing product available. I spent over $30,000 developing, testing, and tweaking this Instant Money Code product, so it would deliver results THE SAME FOR YOU, as it does for me.

Okay ... Enough of the chit chat Chad, what does this product look like?

Well, here’s a glimpse of what’s inside...

Module 1:
The Ultimate Internet Marketing Toolkit

We will take you by the hand and show you from the very beginning, the core skills that
you need to have so you can start generating traffic and making money.

This module comes complete with 31 videos PLUS a 24 page manual to supplement the videos.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module:


  • Why You Should Do Affiliate Marketing - Before you take one step further, I want you to understand the advantages of internet marketing, so you can best take
    advantage of them.

  • The Best Internet Marketing Methods - There are tons of ways to be successful online, in this section of my toolkit, I will give you a rundown of the six most popular (and profitable) methods

  • How to Develop a Marketing Mindset - I will show you how to develop a "profitable marketing mindset". This is a section you absolutely do not want to miss!

  • How to Avoid the Newbie Pitfalls - Don't make the same mistakes many
    "newbies" do, I will share the most common mis-steps beginning marketers

Module 2:
Marketing Roadmap Success

In this video series we cover how to get lots of FREE traffic and FREE exposure to
your business.

You’ll have access to 7 content packed videos that will show you how to traffic back to your site and position it correctly with the search engines.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module...

  • Blogging Strategies

  • Writing Blog Comments

  • Building Links And Traffic With Wikis

  • Social Networks: Facebook Profile and Finding Groups

  • Basic Forum Marketing

  • Video Sharing Sites

  • Product Review Sites

Module 3:
Cost Per Action
Marketing 101

The module comes with videos and a 21 page manual to supplement the videos.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module...

  • Why You Should Do Cost Per Action Marketing - Before you take one step
    further, I want you to understand the advantages of CPA marketing, so you can
    best take advantage of them.

  • The Top CPA Networks - There are tons of CPA networks out there, I'll share with you the best ones to get started with.

  • How to Apply and Get Accepted to a CPA Network - Getting accepted doesn't have to be difficult, you just need to know what to do, and how to present
    yourself. This video series will prepare you for your interview.

  • Ways to Market Your CPA Offers - I will show you seven powerful ways to
    promote CPA offers. This includes pay per click marketing, article marketing,
    twitter marketing, and more.

Module 4:
Site Flipping Profit Blueprints

The Site Flipping Profit Blueprint module runs for over two hours and fifteen minutes
and includes a comprehensive 47 page manual, showing you exactly what you need to know in order to succeed at site flipping.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module...

  • Learn exactly what your buyers want from a site they are going to buy

  • Discover the number 1 place to sell your site and the one place you must avoid
    listing your site

  • Understand precisely what you need from keywords and why selecting the right keywords can maximize your profits

  • Learn what you can do to triple the value of your site

  • Understand exactly what you need to put on your listing to ensure it sells

  • Understand when to keep a site and when you need to sell it

Module 5:
Email Marketing Secrets

In this module you get over 1 hour of step-by-step video taking you by the hand
showing you the right steps to having a massive list of rabid, hungry buyers at your

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module...

  • Tools needed to start off on your profitable list building endeavors!

  • The main component of customer relations you'll need to know or your business
    will fall flat on its face

  • How you can still maximize your customer lists for extra profit juice even if your company is not Internet-based!

  • A simple, effective way to discover if the product you're going to offer will be a
    mega success or mega flop

  • A special 'free gift' for your subscribers that is fun to read and makes them look forward to hearing from you!

  • The system most marketers use to make sure their list is full of interested, hungry
    prospects and not freebie seekers!

Module 6:
Clickbank Review
Cash Blogs

About 85% of our business is from Clickbank so in this module we will take you by the hand step by step through the process of monetizing a CB Review blog and give you all the information you need to start profiting from a CB blog from start to finish.

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside this module...

  • Getting Started, Tools you need, etc.

  • Find a Profitable product to promote from ClickBank's Marketplace

  • Purchase a domain name and redirect to your affiliate link

  • Setup a quick and easy blog and posting a review

  • Traffic: How to Write...and Submit Press Releases

These are just the modules. When you dig into them, you will see exactly how you can use my system to generate mind bending income on autopilot.


"He Is The Real Deal!"

"I've been working with Chad Michaels for a few months now. We've worked on many projects and I can confidently say... he is the REAL DEAL.

If your looking for someone that's been there... done that and can teach you 'Insider Internet Marketing Tips' then Chad is your guy."

- Mitch Mauldin


Here’s why...

It’s EVERYTHING you are going to need to know. It took me a few years to learn all of this information. You get it all, instantly.

Imagine that!

You’ll be able to simply download the instructions, the literal road map to making money online.

Not only do you get the manual, but you have complete video training that comes along with the package.

How much easier does it get?

Copy along with me as I explain exactly how to navigate your way to internet marketing mastery.

Oh, and by the way, there aren’t any “surprises” - this isn’t one of those programs that all of a sudden you sign up and wham, pay out $500-$1000 for traffic generation, or a built website...

I’m giving you everything.

Everything I use in my day to day multimillion dollar business that started that fateful summer... FROM NOTHING.

You’ll pick up secrets like these…

This complete video series will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with internet and affiliate marketing online.

Why You Should Do Cost Per Action Marketing- Before you take one step further, I want you to understand the advantages of cpa marketing, so you can best take advantage of them.

The Top CPA Networks - There are tons of cpa networks out there, Ill share with you the best ones to get started with.

How to Apply and Get Accepted to a CPA Network- Getting accepted doesn’t have to be difficult, you just need to know what to do, and how to present yourself. This video series will prepare you for your interview.

Getting Started, Tools You need, etc.:  In this part of the video series, you'll learn what you need to get started, including tools or even what to expect. Once you understand this and the quick overview you will be given, you'll know what to expect.

Find a Profitable product to promote from's Marketplace:  Finding profitable products to promote from is one of the most important steps in this video series, but it is not hard at all. In fact, you'll learn how to use Clickbank's stats to pinpoint a good converting product.

Purchase a domain name and redirect to your affiliate link:  If you haven't setup your first website, then purchasing a domain name is the first step. But no worries, we aren't going to be learning about HTML in this video. You'll learn how to use tools to find creative yet available domain names that you can use to save you time. After you purchase your domain name, you'll learn how to use it to redirect to your Clickbank affiliate link.

I will show you how to start building basic HTML web pages, including how to create hyperlinks, insert images, and more.

I will show you how to develop a "profitable marketing mindset". This is a section you absolutely do not want to miss!

Don't make the same mistakes many "newbies" do, I will share the most common mis-steps beginning marketers make.

Tools needed to start off on your profitable list building endeavors!

The main component of customer relations you'll need to know or your business will fall flat on its face.

Utilizing your list as your very own Public Relations team to announce new product launches!
A special 'free gift' for your subscribers that is fun to read and makes them look forward to hearing from you!

Can you smell the money in your wallet?


"Chad Michaels & Steven Johnson. I don't know if words can explain these two!

They have been some of my top affiliates for ages now.

Each and every month they are both there, on time for our JV's and always make a killing!

Their products are always high converting and will make you that much richer!

I look forward to our continued success guys!

Cheers Fellas!"

- Craig "Davidson" Hammer




Picture this.

You set up and run 2 of our simple “Code” campaigns a week that generate you
$50 a day... each campaign takes roughly 2 hours to complete and get onto the net.

That’s 4 hours a week, the average American watches 4 hours of TV a DAY.

2 campaigns x 4 weeks a month = 8 campaigns a month x $50 a day = $1600 a month.

Now do this for 10 months in your first year.

Instant $16000 a month world
shattering income for roughly…

... Get this - 200 hours worth of work IN A YEAR!

No worries, the campaigns are NOT about stupid things like “link building” or “free online classified marketing” who wants to sit at a computer ALL DAY spamming links all over the place?

IT DOESN’T WORK... it’s NOT targeted, and it’s bogus.

The “gurus” in the internet marketing world WANT you to keep doing that  so you waste your time. Feel like you’re doing something.

Meanwhile, your refund period has expired.


"I have had the good fortune to work with Chad Michales on not only multiple ad swaps, but launches for both his products and my own.

Not only have we made a considerable amount of money together, but to have trust and faith in someone that you do business with online is a wonderful feeling.

Chad and I have built not only a highly profitable working releationship, but also a valued friendship. I am very thankful for both."

- Melford Bibens


You could be making an online income today if you pick this program up and start running with it.

But if you’re thinking that this is the same old affiliate marketing junk eBook that everyone else sells, then this isn’t for you and we haven’t reached you yet.

You’re probably thinking that everyone else does this affiliate marketing and there isn’t enough left for me, right?


There are MILLIONS of dollars being spent on digital products every day, once you learn the code;

When you learn the instant money code, you and your family will realize the phrase “making money is hard” is complete garbage.

Making money isn’t hard; you’ve just been told over and over again, how difficult it is.

I’ve broken the code, and it’s time to share it with you.

Here are a few more things you will learn...

  • Where to go to get the highest paying offers

  • How to use blogs and affiliate marketing hand in hand

  • Finding and testing profitable keywords to build into your site or ad.

  • How to dominate the market by copying what others are doing.

  • How to drive relationships that pay.

  • Natural search engine rankings just by plugging in a few lines of code.

Once you see how simple everything really is, it will honestly change the way you think, and feel about working.

Here’s the problem.

You need to decide what drives you to succeed.

For me, it’s ALL about the money.

Someone told me once “It’s all about how quickly you can get a briefcase full of money together” meaning, if you NEEDED to get a briefcase full of money, how quickly can you do it RIGHT NOW?

Not in the future, right now.

That’s where my drive and determination comes from. Remember, I came from nothing. So I HOARD my money, if I needed to get 100 grand into a briefcase right now. I could.

That’s why I do what I do. To be able to protect my loved ones.

What drives you?

Money? Freedom? Lack of Debt? Pleasure? Relief from Pain?

Picture what your life would look like providing the Instant Money Code unlocks everything you could ever want out of life? What would you do?

Vacations? Cars? Pay off student debt? Propose to your girl? Have a dream wedding? Get grandma out of the nursing home?

How about not having to go to work? No time clock to punch?

No need to get up at 5am every day…

You would have time to work out, lose weight, relax by a pool, and have a few beers during the day… buy your best friend a vacation… Just bum around your house day after day?

It’s totally up to you… but you HAVE to decide what you want your life to look like…

ANYTHING is possible with the instant money code. There is nothing that can stop you once you start, and Instant money code will provide that lifestyle for you, just like it has for 1000’s of others.


"When Chad launches a new product you better pay attention!

I have been working with Chad for some time now and ALL I can say is that this guy just knows some things that other marketers do NOT.

Otherwise he wouldn't be on top of the charts all time!

Follow his exact advice and you will do fine."

- Tim Bekker


OK CHAD, what’s it going to cost me to get involved?

Good question, but I’ve got one I want to ask you first.

How much would YOU Pay, if someone wanted to sell you a company that made you $16,000 a month in PURE profit?

$30 grand? $100 grand? $200 thousand?!

I don’t know about you but if it was even $2,000 to get involved with that, I WOULD DO EVERYTHING possible to come up with the $2000…

No worries though, were not going to ask you for anywhere near that kind of investment to start your training.


Let’s talk about work vs. reward for a second...

If you do not understand this concept, then I’m sorry, you are NOT ALLOWED to take advantage of the instant money code today.

I’m sorry, but I’m just not in the habit of setting people up to fail.

But if you understand that hard work and determination equals success and you are willing to put in the minimal work to get you to where you want to be, then by all means continue reading.

You already have the key to success in your pocket. Now you just need the CODE.

You want the Instant Money Code?


When you grab your copy of “instant money code”  you have a 56 day guarantee.

If you aren’t completely satisfied, for WHATEVER reason, you will get a no questions asked refund for 100% of the purchase price...  with no hard feelings to boot. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you…

And just to make sure you’re 100% confident, if you decide to get a refund, I’m going to let you KEEP Module 1 (Internet marketing for beginners) just for signing up! 

The way I see it, if you're not happy with the incredible collection of information I’ve put together for you and my system isn’t making you money on auto-pilot once you get it set up, then I don’t want your money.

If at any time during your 8 week trial you wish to get a refund all you will have to do is send a refund request through our support desk, or directly through Clickbank’s Customer Service Department, and your money will be refunded instantly.

YES CHAD, let me in NOW! I want the code!

How’s that for a guarantee?

Chad Michaels


As if that wasn’t good enough, I’m giving Instant Money Code away for PENNIES.

Literally PENNIES on the dollar for what type of income you can earn.


That’s it. Fourty Seven Measly Dollars.

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Well, it kind of is.

I’ve got 38 copies available at that price during our launch period.

After that, it’s going to $297, or, the offer will close for good. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it after I release this to the public.

Is that a chance you want to take?

You need to Act Now, or forever
wonder what might have been.

Think about this, $47 is nothing… that’s the price of a video game. It’s the price of a month’s worth of make-up for a woman. That’s the amount of money you spend on a round of shots at the bar for your buddies.

Here’s what’s happening: I'm handing you the exact blueprint - videos, manuals, everything you need. It's like having a virtual success coach sitting on your computer waiting to unlock the CODE to internet income.


You have to ACT NOW to get it.

Click the button below and secure your spot...

Yes Chad! I want In!

Show me The Code To Making $16,000 A Month On The Internet.

  • I understand I have 56 Days to try your system Risk-FREE and if I'm not completely satisfied I'm entitled to a no questions asked 100% refund.

  • I also understand this is a limited time special offer and may be cancelled or removed at anytime so I need to act today to take advantage.

  • My investment today is just a ONE TIME PAYMENT of $47 dollars for Full Access.

Special Introductory Offer Price Before
Mass Release! Price Increases Soon...

Regular Price $77 - Today ONLY $47

All Major Credit/Debit cards and PayPal accepted.
Worldwide orders welcome. After your purchase, you
will get instant access to the download area.


Still not sure? You've got two choices...

You can keep doing what you’re already doing, working hard, slaving day in and day out, hating life, and your alarm clock, working for the weekend… JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE RAT RACE.

And if you keep doing that... it’s just going to become more painful.

Sure we all have goals and aspirations, but the longer you wait to do something about your financial future, the worse your debt is going to become, and the farther away from your goals you will be.


You can buy Instant Money Code THIS INSTANT and choose the path I chose a few years ago.

Imagine in a few months when you tell your co-workers you QUIT. Then, imagine the look on your bosses face when you tell him you’re no longer his slave.

GET the life you want and that we all deserve… after all this is AMERICA.

We live in the greatest country on the planet. Start ENJOYING IT. Life is short, and you must take advantage.

Get your copy today!

I’m Internet marketer Chad Michaels, and I HAVE THE CODE.

I’ll see you on the inside.

Chad Michaels

P.S: Think about this - If you had the code 3 months ago you may have been on your way to financial freedom already. 

P.P.S: Remember there is absolutely no reason for you to leave this page empty handed. You can at least take advantage of my 100% Risk Free Offer... If you don't see an increase in your income within 56 days simply drop me an email, no reason why needed, just request a refund for your purchase, and it'll be back in your hands within 24 hours! 

P.P.P.S: Think about this - I’m 24. The word “budget” doesn’t exist in my world. Can you imagine being able to do WHATEVER you wanted? Whenever you wanted? Look, If I can use this thing to make over $16,000 a month, someone with an education or experience could make much more.

But don't forget, if you can't get this thing to churn out cash for you, it’s not “for” you, or for ANY OTHER REASON, I've given you a full no-questions-asked 56 day cash back guarantee. You've got nothing to lose!

Yes Chad! I want In!

Show me The Code To Making $16,000 A Month On The Internet.

  • I understand I have 56 Days to try your system Risk-FREE and if I'm not completely satisfied I'm entitled to a no questions asked 100% refund.

  • I also understand this is a limited time special offer and may be cancelled or removed at anytime so I need to act today to take advantage.

  • My investment today is just a ONE TIME PAYMENT of $47 dollars for Full Access.

Special Introductory Offer Price Before
Mass Release! Price Increases Soon...

Regular Price $77 - Today ONLY $47

All Major Credit/Debit cards and PayPal accepted.
Worldwide orders welcome. After your purchase, you
will get instant access to the download area.

To whom it may concern

Steven Johnson and Chad Michaels are unbelievable partners to have. BAR NONE.

I started in internet marketing 2 short years ago, and I have yet to run into a better pair of internet marketers that will basically do anything to make you successful. They have a serving mentality paralleled only by some of the top motivational coaches on the planet.  Steven himself has single handedly  made me roughly $22,000 in the last 5 months just using his advice and expertise.  I am lucky enough to have met both of these gentlemen in person, and all I can say is WOW. Guys, thank you from the deepest part of my honesty. Get involved with WHATEVER Steven and Chad have to offer, who knows, you could be sitting in my shoes someday!

Thanks again guys!

- Steven James

"Chad is GREAT to work with!

I enjoy our Joint Ventures together - He is always keen on making them a success.

And whenever I have a new product launch, or need someone to test my offer...I can always rely on Chad to come through for me.

It's always a pleasure working with him and his feedback is always appreciated!!!

Thanks man!"

- Sean Clark


Click Here To Get The Code!








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Legal Disclaimer:  Refer to the Company Terms Of Service and other legal documents, for Company limitations on liability and other important information. Company Terms of Service can be found at our website. The information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. Use these techniques and strategies at your own risk. Making Decisions based on any information presented should be done with the knowledge that you could experience significant losses, or make no money at all. You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented.



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                                                     I'd like to show you how I've made
                                                     $1,000,000.00 with Affiliate Marketing
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Auto Content Cash

After Years of Testing and Tweaking...

If you’re not making $300 an hour right now with your internet marketing business, then this will be the most important letter you read all year.

Here’s why...

17 months ago, my partners and I stumbled onto a simple concept that creates unlimited streams of income using almost totally automated systems to pump out cash pulling websites.

These profit streams take just about an hour to set up, generate consistent passive income and are easily sold off for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars without ever touching them again.

And the system is so simple, even a child could use it. I know that might sound almost impossible right now and you’ve probably seen pie in the sky promises from other products or people that completely failed to deliver.

However, I intend to demonstrate to you that every word I’ve just said is true, with real evidence and undeniable proof from our own businesses...

But before we move on, let me tell you what this is not:

stop Not pay per click or any other form of advertising
stop Not traditional affiliate marketing
stop Not blackhat manipulation
stop Not long haul SEO that requires writing and takes ages to work

And the best part may be that you can very realistically make the system start earning for you quickly and effortlessly even:

check Without any experience at all
check If you can’t or don’t want to write English
check If you have poor tech skills and don’t want to improve them
check If you’re crushed for time and can only put in an hour a week
check If you’re lazy and unmotivated
check If you’ve tried just about everything out there and failed again and again

Let me ask you something:

Are you tired of chasing your dream of finally being wealthy? Are you tired of commuting to work everyday to find unappreciative bosses and boorish co-workers that drain you of your energy and happiness?

You know that life would be completely different if you could earn from home, or in fact earn passively no matter where you are from something you spent an hour setting up and then never touched again.

You’ve tried hard to find a way to not only increase the money you are making now, but dramatically increase the ease with which it’s made.

You’ve seen others strike it big online, live the lifestyle you want, the cars, the houses, the travel, the family, friend and hobby time and it frustrates you that no matter what you do, you can’t seem to crack the code.

And on top of that, the world of opportunity is stock full of shallow water sharks, scammers and liars that would tell you anything to turn a buck.

And so you don’t even know where to start, who to believe and have zero confidence when trying something new that you aren’t totally wasting your time and money on a wild goose chase.

This situation can be near unbearable!

The Vicious Cycle...

You can’t free up enough money to start a real business. You can’t free up enough time to do it or acquire the skills you would need and you feel trapped.

The years go by without mercy and you are no closer to the solution that will allow you work less, make more money, own the toys you want and do the things you’ve been dreaming about for so long.

You know you deserve better and that your family does too, you want to be their hero and you see others doing it all around you... If only *you* could do it...

Well now you can!

Introducing Auto Content Cash: The Simple 1 Hour System That Could Make All Your Worries Disappear...

This is the simple method that will allow you to create multiple streams of passive income fast!


But first let me tell you, if you’ve tried at all to make money online before and failed miserably time and time again, it’s not your fault.

And I’m not just saying that. Let me inject a dose of realism into the other systems out there and the results you may have experienced.

If you’re like many out there, you may have tried:

buy PPC Marketing
buy Affiliate Marketing
buy Making your own product and selling it
buy List Building
buy Search Engine Optimization
buy Morally Bankrupt scams like surveys, data entry, stuffing envelopes, etc...

Now let’s put those scams to rest first. They just don’t work. They sound good to people that don’t know any better and they manipulate our greed impulses, but there is no such thing as magic money...

But what about the others: PPC, affiliate marketing, listbuilding, SEO, product creation?

Well they ALL have this in common:

They require a massive amount of hard earned skill to work!

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve made millions with those methods and they work like gangbusters when and if you master the skills required.

You can’t just jump in and start earning and the fact that others suggest you can has more than likely caused you to lose money, lose time and perhaps lose hope.

"Let's Get REAL..."

If you are to do any of those things, you either need the skill set or the money to pay for them.

All those methods require:

close Hi quality writing in English which is hard work even for native English speakers and near impossible for foreigners
close Copywriting and conversion skills: this is expertise which is gained over a lifetime! Top copywriters make millions if not tens of millions a year. It’s a science and an art, and unless you’re a uber genius, there is a snowball’s chance in hell you can master it in anything less than a matter of years. (or you could pay for it, but expect to pay $10,000 and up which is what decent/good copy costs)
close You need to spend a lot of money before you make any at all, to pay for ads (and you need to be willing to lose thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars getting it right, everyone I know that has made it in that arena has...)

Bottom line is, these methods work and they work well, if and only if you’re an expert with time and money on their hands willing to put in a ton of effort.

And realistically, when you are stuck in the day job cycle, you don’t have the time, money, expertise or energy to make it happen.

Truth is, you need something far simpler that you can harness within days or even hours and begin earning with even if you’re on a very tight budget, can only put in an hour a week and your top expertise is in channel surfing.

And that’s where the Auto Content Cash system truly shines...

This is a simple system laid out in plain English with 3 main modules where we demonstrate step-by-step, in writing AND on video how we harness the system to make passive income of up to and over $300 for every hour worked.

Here’s how it works:


$300 Hour... Sexy??

The core Auto Content Cash system. Broken down in a step-by-step easy to digest formula...



You might not find this sexy and your friends won’t either, but it will immediately make your time worth about $300 an hour.

Here’s how:

17 months ago, we were looking for a system to make...

PASSIVE income.

Now as I’ve told you, I have made millions selling products and doing affiliate marketing and my partners have done extremely well in those arenas too.

But there was this one big fat stinking problem beyond those I’ve already talked about: you have to do it over and over again or the money dries up.

Which means that when I stop working, my income streams get smaller and smaller everyday.

Products have a life cycle and they will earn well for a time, but then fade from the limelight and dwindle to almost nothing.

Affiliate campaigns are often the same. What is hot one day is a thing of the past the next and if you aren’t constantly scouting opportunities, putting up ads and writing pages, your income will dry up as surely as the sun will rise.

And that means that instead of passive income (the kind where you do nothing and it keeps coming) what I had was a very very high paying job.

Now don’t get me wrong: I love what I do, and I have no plans of stopping, to me it’s fun and it’s a challenge, but I still don’t like the idea of being tied to it. I wanted to be free of that and just about ANY obligation...

I wanted to know that if I stepped away for a month, 3 months or even a year, I could maintain my at times eccentric lifestyle without skipping a beat.

And If I could get just $10,000 or so coming in monthly without having to lift a finger, then I would be all set.

We tried a ton of stuff until...

One method finally worked.

All we do is build tiny automated niche sites that use one of the most beautiful things in the world...

"OPC: Other People’s Content"

And the best part is, Google loves it and continues to send us masses and droves of high quality free traffic with no end in sight.

This is not black hat or illegal in anyway. We have never had a site banned... In fact some of the biggest and most notorious companies out there do it too!

The fact of the matter is: if you use the right structural elements then you can use other people’s content all day long while creating value for visitors and ensuring Google constantly sends you streams of free traffic. (Notice how Google has quickly become one of the biggest and most recognized companies in the history of the world and they ONLY use other people’s content to do it).

But like I said, this is not sexy. Truth be told, these nanosites only make between 50 cents and 1 dollar per day each.

Now that might seem like a silly amount of money and very close from the $300 an hour I promised above, but actually, it’s the #1 way we’ve found to secure an endless stream of passive income, and the figures I’ve tempted you with are right on point.

Here’s why:

smile Time it takes to build one of these sites once you have minimal training: 1 hour
smile Average earnings per day: $0.50 to $1
smile Averaged out over a year (365 days): $182-$365

So effectively, that one hour of time you invested setting up the site can and will pay you $182.5 to $365.

This is a totally typical site, in fact a slightly below average one:

And here is another:


This Auto Content Site got 3627 auto content visitors in February...

And that's more than enough for an autopilot $1 or more a day with just an hour of setup time once...



But what if you don’t want to wait 12 months to see it, what if you want all of it right now?


Well you can do that too...

You see tens of thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands of people have caught onto the fact that they can buy sites like these and build up their portfolio of passive income.

Places exist where thousands of buyers are waiting for sites exactly like these to be offered up, and they get snapped up FAST.

Now as I’ve said, we do this for the long term passive income and it adds up real fast, but we understand that you may want or need an extra $300 this week, or an extra $900 this month, or whatever your situation requires.

And that’s why we put just 2 of our minisites up for sale to see what if they would sell, for how much and how fast.

Here are the results:


Some sites do better than others, some do worse. This one started picking up steam quickly all by itself so when we auctioned it off, we very quickly sold it for more than expected:

So as you can see, the question is not whether you will make money or not, it’s “how will you choose to get paid?”

Here is what just 10 hours of “work” can do for you:

document Nanosites built: 10
time Hours invested: 10
smile Monthly Passive Income Generated: $.75 daily per site average x 30 days x 10 sites: $225
buy Money Made if you decide to sell all 10: approximately $3000

And this is a model that scales infinitely, but already, with just 10 hours, you could grab an extra $150 a month (that’s $1800 over a year) if you never touched the system or built another site again, or you could quickly pocket $3000.

In fact, the only limit to the money you make is how many hours you decide to put in. Either way, the bottom line is that with minimal effort, a very short training and just a few hours here and there, you can create cash on demand or new streams of passive income that will quickly overtake anything you could make working a job, even if you’re lazy and unmotivated.

And at the end of this presentation, I’ll tell you about a bonus we are including that could allow you to have someone else do all this for you, without a dime out of your pocket after you build just a single site.

That’s right, you could be earning these returns totally hands off in mere weeks or even days!

But hold on because I’ve just scratched the surface of the earning potential of the ACC system.

The goal of module one is to dramatically redefine the value of your time.

We’ve proven time and again that investing 1 hour into building a nanosite according to our formula will create about $300 dollars an hour in returns.

Think about this: how long would it take to get up to that hourly wage otherwise?

You could:

alert Become a doctor: 7 years
alert Become a lawyer: 5 years
alert Get really good at affiliate marketing and copywriting: 2 years
alert Article marketing: never
day Auto Content Cash: 10 hours of training, if you’re on the slow side and go through all the material 3 times...

Module 1 is an INCOME MODEL so you can make more in less time, break free of your job and money worries and focus on something else, like making a quick push to increase your wealth by leaps and bounds FAST.

That’s what we’ll show you next:

Before I do though, bear with me for 30 seconds while I issue a proper disclaimer: the results you’ve seen thus far and those you will see as the presentation continues are OUR results.

They represent exactly what we achieve with the system and are portrayed in the most straightforward manner possible.

They are real and documented, but as we’ve never released the system to the public before, we can’t disclose average user results yet, as nobody has used the system but us.


Massive Leverage

In this module you will learn how to get massive leverage by automating all the processes in creating nano niche sites. This is extremely powerful and will allow you to accelerate your results!


This module shows you exactly how to create the income stream sites from module one, just on a massive scale.

This is automation at its best. We often refer to it as batch processing.

In essence, we’ve discovered a foolproof formula that allows us to bang out a hundred or more sites as above in the space of a day or two.

Imagine that. In the space of 2 days, you could create enough passive income to seriously flirt with day job freedom or generate enough cash from site sales to buy a decent car.

This is a recipe for success:

A blueprint laid out in total crystal clear detail so that you can build 10, 20, a hundred or even more of these income streams in record time.

We first tested this for Halloween 2009 (you want your batch process sites to target different segments of the same industry, that just makes it that much faster and more efficient.)

Also, it makes monetization dead easy.

Here’s how:

Normally when building sites, you would need to find a custom affiliate program for each site. Not a huge effort for sure, but it sure ads up when you have many virtual properties, and every bit of time that can be saved makes room for you to make more money or enjoy more free time...

With this system, both with individual builds or mass deployments, we keep it dead simple.

No fancy conversion pages, no writing, no custom affiliate programs. We just copy paste links, data feeds and adsense code into premade templates and then *leave it alone*.

The entire beauty of this system resides in the fact that:

check Sites are built lightning fast
check Profit streams are multiplied quickly
check Processes can be completed in a very short period of time
check Effort that goes into a complete cycle is minimal
check Monetization is near automatic
check Writing is minimal or non existent
check Sites continue to grow and attract more traffic over time AUTOMATICALLY
check Other people’s content and user generated content are the basis for the system to work, not your content and time

In module 2 you will discover:

window How to minimize your time investment while maximizing your returns
window How to do 2 or 3 months of work in 2-3 days
window How to shock and awe your way into industry traffic domination
window How to pull up to 7k unique visitors a day from one tactical mass deployment
window The exact formula that creates an army of income stream sites at the push of a few buttons: this is totally stripped bare, not an ounce of fat straight to the point execution so not a single second is wasted and you’re off to bigger and better things fast while insuring steady income
window And we’ll show you how you can use either individual sites or groups of sites to power just about any listing to the top of google even for competitive terms...


A tremendous amount of thought and testing has gone into this. We did it so you don’t have to. Now we have the exact recipe that works and you can harness its near infinite power with no trial and error.

check The exact domain types you need so this works
check The specific niche formula that puts it on steroids
check Every tool we use in the process, the free ones and the turbo paid ones
check The exact settings you need to move with or risk getting little to no results
check The promotion formula we use (hint, almost none at all, and overdoing this is what kills most people’s sites in Google!)
check Bottom line is that we have blueprinted our business and we hold NOTHING back so that you can replicate our success at your leisure. It’s ALL included.


By the way, here are the results from our Halloween Mass Deployements:


And we more than doubled those with affiliate sales using plug and play links:

Listen, you may make enough money from using just module 1 that you never choose to use module 2. We’re not here to force you to become wealthier than you need or are comfortable with.

But we like money. More money, faster money, easier money and we’ve painstakingly assembled the puzzle for ourselves and are putting it right into your hands so you can decide for yourself to go all the way or just make some extra cash monthly...

And listen, right now you would have more than enough to set yourself up for a lifetime of easy earning, but we have one more secret that we decided to share with you inside Auto Content Cash...

"The Sublime Power of Piggyback Marketing"

We almost decided to hold this module back. It’s power is tremendous and so few people are taking advantage of it right now we often feel like a kid in a candy store....


You down with OPC?

Ride on other people content all the way to top rankings, more traffic, and ultimately more profits!


Look to the richest individuals in the world and you will find they have one thing in common: they profit from value created by OTHER people.

Companies with thousands of employees multiply their profits by having other people do the work. The real estate tycoon probably never laid a brick down himself...

And as I’ve said earlier, we use OPC (other people’s content) as much as possible, and most of the time exclusively...

But there is one more factor that can be added to the equation for massive results multiplication, easily, quickly and cheap!

And that trick is expired domains...

Expired domains are far superior because besides relevant content, Google Values:

star Old domains: the longer it’s been around, the better
star Links: these domains already have some
star Trust: accumulates over the years
star History: having some is proof of value
star Existing traffic
star Page rank

It’s a simple fact that we’ve proven again and again (I’ll show you in a second) that grabbing these expired domains that someone else has created history, trust, rankings, traffic and links for will turbo charge rankings for whatever you do with the site.

That’s why we use these whenever we can and call it piggy back marketing: we multiply our profits because of the efforts of the previous domain owner...

These were built using the Auto Content Cash System, but they got powered up by using cheap expired domains.

The boost in traffic, rankings and revenue is stunning!

And yes, we’re showing you 100% real sites that we own. The domain is even named. We’re so confident in our system and have made it work so many times that even if these get copied, it’s a drop in the bucket.

Plus when we say we hold nothing back, you can plainly see we aren’t kidding. So just imagine the level of insider information you get on the inside...


Here is another powerful piggy back site that produces oodles of passive income. And remember, this is set it and forget it:

And let me show you just one more before we continue:

But aren’t expired domains with links and history, links and pagerank nearly impossible to find or incredibly expensive?

Not at all, in fact that’s a myth that smart operators like to perpetuate so they can keep this honey hole all to themselves. Case in point, we set out to demonstrate that these killer income boosting properties can be had for far less than you would imagine, and their abundance is near infinite.

We snapped up these three domains in under an hour for less than $25 a piece, check it out:

For Example, has pages indexed in Google: all to our advantage thanks so someone else...

But there is a caveat:

Use these domains the wrong way and you will lose any benefit instantly! You need to follow a couple of very simple guidelines we’ve outlaid in Auto Content Cash and you will never have to worry about that.

In fact we will show you exactly the process we use to find and acquire these little gold mines on demand, and the secret sauce recipe we use to turn around and create massive earners of work-free money in any industry...

And we’re also including a video series we call “Revenge of the Clones” where we show you the #1 most effective way to go even faster with greater ease yet.


Are you ready?

You've done the work once, now its time to get revenge on the search engines using this clone strategy. This alone creates another 4 figures in passive income whenever we give it a spin...


To do this, we employ a couple of cheap but paid third party tools. You absolutely do not need to do this, but if you want to go for the gold, we’ve included it so that nothing holds you back and you have our most prized secrets in your hands. Again, we don’t hold one single profit producing morsel from you, delivering in your hands the results of years of testing and tens of thousands of dollars invested...

"So to Recap, Here is What You Get When You
Decide to Own Auto Content Cash Today:"

This is a big package that leaves no stone unturned. Experienced earners can jump right in and start generating profitable sites with the barebones PDF blueprint while the greenest beginner will find over 100 crystal clear video presentations to get you up to speed (the videos are short and well organized so you consume only what you need and never get overwhelmed)

Module 1 exposes the Auto Content Cash Secrets that will allow you to go from scratch to generating about $300 an hour you invest (sites take around an hour to build and easily create hundreds of dollars in passive revenue or quick cash site sale)

Then Module 2 shows you how to automate the process at break neck speeds, creating 10, 20 or 100 constantly earning profit streams in 48 hours or so.

With this level of mass deployment, there is almost no limit to how much you can make with the system... You could get up to day job killing levels in no time or fund the purchase of a car, family vacation, retirement money, etc in a matter of weeks and even days...

And Module 3 shows you...

"Some of our Most Advanced Secrets for
Putting the Whole Process on Cyber Steroids"

You can use these secrets to generate massive income, day in day out, big cash sellouts or amazingly powerful rank boosters for other properties you have on the web. Whatever you decide to use these methods for, you will be floored by the ease and possibilities!

And you can get started right now!

But that’s not all, we’re also including our 2 secret content weapons. This is where the magic happens and where you get an edge over any competitor out there...


No more writing

This "weapon" pulls in content from little known and rarely tapped sources giving you a clean edge over anybody that doesn't use it...


Draw in User Generated Content that is wickedly effective when it comes to automatically populating your sites with ever more fresh desirable content.

This is why you can create highly valuable totally relevant sites Google loves without writing a word yourself...

This is not blackhat, not illegal, not unethical or sneaky. It’s just plain common sense derived from years of testing for a totally optimal process: easy one time set up / longterm constant growth and profits, and there is just no other way I know of to achieve that...


Got links?

This "weapon" pulls in content from another often ignored source.

That means your sites start fresh and unique and stay that way, giving Google exactly what it wants and forcing them to give you what you want: free traffic and high converting clicks.


Bonus 2: Our link and traffic getting SEO plugin (value at $67):

All you need to do is install this one time. It’s done at the click of a button and it will automatically generate links and visibility to all pieces of content the system posts to your sites.

This is another key factor: your sites and content will gain popularity and traffic from relevant sites, thus gaining rankings and google visitors at every posting of new content, and everything is on autopilot.

We built this for ourselves. We intended to sell it for $67, but for this special introductory offer, we’re including it as a free bonus...

But wait, there’s still more:

Bonus 3: Top Level SEO course

This will show you once and for all how to set up a profitable niche site and how to get it to the top of the search engines. It covers all the basics and the most advanced ninja tricks we know.

The material in this course has made us hundreds of thousands of dollars...

I can’t name the course here because it’s sold online everyday for $57 and we are including it free here as a bonus for a very limited time. (We don’t want to make anyone jealous.)

And there is one more included, and this one is deadly important...

Bonus #4: Replace Yourself! (value of $97):



How To Outsource

You will be taken behind the scenes of how this marketer has cracked the code on outsourcing his whole business. And the best part is he discovered how to make it affordable for any marketer and any level of the game...


This is the final key to your total and ultimate financial freedom, and much faster than you would ever believe possible.

You will get to assist to a 90 minute live session with one of the world’s foremost experts on small scale outsourcing.

This highly revered expert will show you exactly how and where to get a full time employee that can build dozens of profit streams for you monthly for just about $300 a month.

You may be sceptical and I was too until I tried it. There really are extremely competent people that can jump in and replace everything you do in your Auto Content Cash business for just $ 300 a month.

"Imagine what that means!"

If you create just ONE site yourself and sell if off for just $300 using our simple proven methodology, you can then turn around to use that money to secure a month of full time profit multiplication, totally hands off!

Then use those new profits to hire a couple more people and before you know it, you will be earning and living like a king while barely lifting a finger other than checking in on your employees here and there.

I’ve hired three of these people in the last 30 days and the average monthly cost is $283,33.

By now it should be clear to you that we are giving you the ENTIRE system. Nothing is held back. In fact we’ve gone out of our way to include our precious and exclusive resources, from secret content weapons to completely replacing yourself fast and cheap.

So How Much Is This Going To Cost?

Good news! Far less than you would expect...

$10,000 would be a fair price. After all we make more than that per month without lifting a finger using this system (most companies have to make $100,000 in sales to get $10,000 in profit, and this system does that for us with NO effort at all)

But you won’t pay $10,000, nor will you pay $5000, not even $1997, and I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of inferior courses sold for that much.

In the last 18 months, I have not sold access to any of my training for less than $997 and $497, and I don’t intend to do it again, but my customers and the people that follow my online spoke up and said “cut us a break”.

They wanted to get in for those prices and new the asking price was more than fair but they just couldn’t afford it with the layoffs, pay cuts, economic downturn and bills to pay.

And we listened.

So the price won’t be $497, nor even $300, even though you could make that much literally with one site, a one hour build once you’ve gone through the basic training...

That would be more than fair, but it’s not good enough for us.

We want to make a real difference, and that’s why we are releasing our tried, tested and true passive income earning system to a limited number of people for just $97.

And for the first 3 days only, we’ve even slashed that down to $77, making your investment a total no brainer!

As soon as you join, you will be in the member area making mind blowing discovery after discovery within minutes.

The entire course and materials are online. No postage to pay, no waiting, it’s all instantly accessible in PDF and on video.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, not even a single dime because you’re secure and protected by our...

"100% No Questions Asked,
Take-It-To-The-Bank Guarantee"

You have a full 2 months (60 days) to go through all the material. Download it to your computer. Build one site or build 100. Grab our secret weapons and closely guarded trade secrets and profit as much as you want.

If for any reason within those 60 days you aren’t totally satisfied, we’ll return every penny paid, no questions, no quibble.

Listen, we can’t make this any easier for you. All the risk is on us to deliver. We are so confident you will love Auto Content Cash and profit from it that we give you a full 60 days to try it out, the whole thing, not one single component held back.

And even if on the 23rd hour of the 60th day you decide you want to return it, we will issue you a full “stay friends” refund, no questions asked.

Listen, in this presentation so far, I’ve shown you beyond the shadow of a doubt that we have created a system that works to create passive income for us, and that it can do it for you too.

We’ve shown you how we do it, shown you some of our existing sites and businesses(who else does that?), and some of the money the system makes us.

We’ve laid on the value with 4 massive bonuses that ooze with quality and income boosting power.

And we’re not asking you to even take our word for it. Try the system for yourself, take a full 60 days and if you’re not convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that Auto Content Cash delivered its asking price and more, just send us an email and get a full refund, no questions asked.

Remember, when you place your order for Auto Content Cash today, you get all this:


star That includes our 3 killer cash producing modules, the PDF written blueprint and over 100 accompanying videos so you can get more depth and clarity exactly on the points where you need it. (97$)
star Our 2 secret content weapons: $114
star A 90 minute live webinar that reveals how to entirely replace yourself for about $300 per month, multiplying your profits totally hands free: $97
star Our full SEO course sold online everyday: $57
star Our Custom Link and Traffic getting SEO plug-in: $67

That’s a real world value of $432, but you get it all for just $77 while the special introductory offer lasts.

And no, we haven’t lost our minds for making such a deadly offer to you today.

See, this is the very first time this new system is ever offered to the public and we want results. We want your case studies and testimonials so we can show how well this system works for you.

As soon as we have what we are looking for, the price is going up, or the offer might disappear altogether.

These tactics are far too powerful to be available forever and we are strictly limiting the number of copies sold so that each owner of Auto Content Cash enjoys limitless income possibilities without competition.

"This is Your chance to Jump onto a New and Proven Autopilot Earning System First"

If you missed your chance with other internet booms, it’s not your fault, but if you pass on this offer today, it will be your fault when you see others earning big with the system while you continue to struggle.

Right now the choice is yours:

You can continue to scramble and fight for mere scraps of online earning. You can leave everything as is and wonder about your job, your financial security, that of your family and your retirement money.

You can get up in the morning, tired as hell with an alarm ringing in your ears, beckoning you to a boss and job you hate, leaving the finer things in life for others to enjoy.

But It doesn’t need to be that way.

You can change all that right now. Harness the ultimate power of Auto Content Cash for quick hits of money or build up your passive income portfolio until you’re wealthy enough you have no motivation to go for more.

"Work less, earn more, free your time..." make yourself healthy, fulfill your aspirations, travel the world, buy a house by the mountain or the sea and spend time with your loved ones.

It’s easier than you think and all you have to do is raise your hand by clicking the order button, going to the risk free acceptance form and securing your place before it’s too late...

When you place your order, you will be minutes away from having total access to our protected member area where everything is tidily waiting for you.

You can get started for just $77, a very minor investment in yourself and your future any way you look at it.

The time is now, don’t miss out on this limited offer.

I look forward to talking to you in the forums and assisting you as you harness this extremely powerful system. Place your order now and I will see you on the other side.

Yes, I'm Ready To Get Started!

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Your friends in profits,

Alex, Brian and Jared


P.S. This totally new system could get you up and earning this week. You could be producing $300/hour with every hour of your time with these deadly effective auto sites. Hold on to them for passive income or sell them off for quick cash infusions...

P.P.S. Remember that you risk nothing. With our 60 day unconditional “take it to the bank guarantee” you can try the full system for 60 days. You get everything, the software, the secret weapons, the bonuses, videos and blueprint. If at any time you decide it’s not everything we say it is and more, just send us an email and get all your money back no questions asked.

P.P.P.S. You may have heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. You can keep doing things the same way and getting mediocre results... but we’ve proven to you time and again in this presentation that we know a better way. Don’t let anything get in your way, place your order today and harness the tremendous earning power of Auto Content Cash Now!

Simply click the "Add to Cart" button, go to the risk-free acceptance form and secure your place before this offer goes away...

Go ahead, there is no reason to wait. Don’t let this slip you by. You’re getting tens of thousands of dollars worth of testing and insider information in a simple to use blueprint with everything you need to make a killer profit run.

Place your order now while it’s fresh in your mind. $77 is just a drop in the bucket compared to all the money and time you will waste with ineffective systems while instead you could start right now to be on the track that will take you to the financial freedom and abundance you clearly want.

Place your order now! I’m Alex Goad, see you on the other side.

Yes, I'm Ready To Get Started!

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Money Makers TV

Internet Marketers Told Me It Wasn't Possible -- But When I Showed Them Money Makers TV Their Jaws dropped!

If You're Sick and Tired of Barely Making Money Online
Then Watch The Video Below For Some Excellent News...

real scene that can happen for you:

You wake up in the morning. Have a great breakfast. Then switch on your computer.

When you check your e-mail account you have five interesting emails...

As soon as you read them a nice, satisfying feeling shoots up your body. Because the emails reveal you made decent affiliate commissions from three different products...

That's absolutely amazing!

People from around the world are finding your website and buying from your affiliate link.  And knowing that puts a big smile on your face.

It feels so gratifying to see your internet business has become successful and is making good money.

When you add all the commissions together...

You See You Made About $250

This is a screen shot from one of my clickbank accounts. I have 8 Clickbank accounts in total.

Not bad!

The fact that you made a nice little profit before your day started is incredible. And that's how it's been for the last few weeks.

Making nearly $9,500 since the beginning of the month... And you're still raking it in!

Ever since you got started watching Money Makers TV, you've been able to steadily climb your way to over $100 a day in just a couple weeks.

And now you're at the point where you're making nearly $10,000 per month in passive income online.

Because of this you have the total freedom to work when you want. And spend your time the way you want.

Thanks to the internet businesses you've built you can buy the nice things money can buy. And live the life of your dreams...

Now Step Back to Reality...

I know you're not making money at that level yet. But what I was talking about is what you can achieve.

It's totally within your grasp. Because what you’re about to uncover will give you the best possible chance to make that scene a reality for you.

Why would I share something so phenomenal with YOU?

Because I know what it's like to be in your shoes. I'm internet marketer just like you. I have been through the same battles every day.

I know just how tough it can be to make money online.

Probably like me... you've bought many e-books and courses that reveal all sorts of methods. But sometimes all of the strategies seem to go over your head.

Maybe you hang out in the internet marketing forums and taken horrible advice. Advice that set you back and caused you major headaches.

Maybe you've read an article or blog post online that left you with more unanswered questions, than answers.

Because of this -- for many people -- it takes months, even years to make a sustainable income online.


Let's Face It: Internet Marketing

Can Be Tough

I've talked to hundreds of people at internet marketing seminars and workshops. And the same problem seems to come up with each discussion.

People are frustrated up to their necks -- almost to the point of giving up -- because they can't seem to get things to work for them.

It's like they have trouble connecting all the dots. Searching for the missing pieces of the puzzle.

I was told many times... what would be really useful is a straightforward, no-holds-bar, walk-through on how to get started making money online.

Then from there instructions on how to turn that into a real sustainable internet business.

And you know what?

I listened.

 I wanted to get down to bottom of why so many people struggled to make money online.

Because honestly...

With the fundamentals under your belt... and... a little bit of experience -- the world of internet marketing can become incredibly profitable for you.



With The Right Internet Business and The

Right Internet Marketing, it's Possible to Make

Up to $10,000 Per Month

For Years to Come.

It's pretty easy once you know how!

You think I'm kidding? You think it's not possible?

We'll don't. Because I’m about to PROVE it to you.

I'm going to reveal a rare and highly lucrative opportunity to take you from where you are now... to making your first $100 a day... All the way to making $10,000 per month with your own successful internet business.

Introducing the first ever of it's kind...

Money Makers TV

Hi, my name is Sarah Staar and I'm a full-time Internet marketer, private coach and public speaker. I must say it's a blessing that I can live the life of my dreams simply working from home.


I've been doing internet marketing for 3 years now. And Money Makers TV is an exciting idea I had not too long ago.

The ultimate goal with Money Makers TV is to teach people, people like you, real internet business and marketing by simply watching instructions from my internet marketing university.

So my partners and I got together to create the first ever internet marketing university on the internet. Meaning all you have to do is tune in and watch bona fide veterans break down their wildly successful business models...

The ones that make them thousands and thousands of dollars per month!

From there you can simply follow their blueprint and begin making the same kind of life-changing money!

It doesn't matter if you're brand-new to making money online or you've been around the block for a while. The gems you'll discover when watching Money Makers TV can definitely sky rocket your income online...


Over the years I seen several people attempt to create Internet-related 'TV stations'. None has got me excited.

But a little while ago Sarah Staar told me about her plans for Money Makers TV.
She even interviewed me on camera.

Now that I've joined the site and had a chance to look at how she has put everything together, I'm completely blown away. This time I am excited.

Money Makers TV is about as professional as it gets. Sarah, and partner Dave Ingram, are doing a first class job.

The site looks great and the interface is simplicity itself but it is content that matters, and content is what Money Makers TV has in spades.

There are in-depth interviews with successful Internet marketers, entire seminar presentations and a growing list of training videos. Everything really, that you need or could want.

I will be a regular visitor myself, and I'll have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Money Makers TV to anyone who will listen!

Martin Avis

Martin Avis

"I met Sarah star and Dave Ingram at a Chris Freville workshop which they were filming. They are both very experienced filmmakers, and are using these talents very well on Money Makers’ TV. Here, you will find many hours of professionally shot and edited film.

But the main thing we all want is – content.

I have talked extensively to Sarah in particular, and she is an excellent communicator. She is also very bright as well is being very practical. This means that she has the ability to identify what works and then teach it in a step-by-step fashion. This is a very valuable skill in a market which often seems dominated by people who will just sell you a small piece of the picture.

Money Makers’ TV is aimed at all levels from beginner right through to experienced marketer.

The introductory training will tell you how to get started - how to use FTP, the basics of HTML code etc.

But having mastered that (or while mastering it) what we really want to know is how to make money. For many of us we want to know not how to make pots of money, but how to make modest amounts of money in a reliable way.

And this is the material where I think Sarah shines. For example, to make your first $100 a day online is a goal which perhaps 95% of Internet marketers would like to reach. This is one of the trainings Sarah and Dave offer. With this training, and Sarah and Dave’s practical knowledge, this worthwhile and attractive goal becomes very attainable.

In short, with Money Makers’ TV you get good quality information, practical presentation, realistic goals, and quality support. I heartily recommend it."

Malcolm Simmonds


Build Yourself A Real

Internet Business Through

Money Makers TV

Our programs will teach you A to Z everything you need to know about how to create profitable internet businesses. And how to make hefty sums of money with proven internet marketing strategies.

There’s training for beginners. And training for advanced players who want to rapidly improve their business to the five-figure per month range.

Experiencing the many hours of Money Makers TV resources and money-making systems can help YOU build an internet business fast... and... put steady money in your pockets quickly...

Even if you have no clue about how to make money online!

Never before has there been an opportunity like this one. Where you can sit back and watch veteran internet marketers break down their proven blueprint to making massive cash online.

Even the “down-and-dirty” secrets of Master internet marketers are revealed within Money Makers TV. You’ll uncover how the "best of the best" internet marketers make blockbuster profits with their internet businesses!

That's right. Some of the secrets revealed within the Money Makers TV line-up can help you succeed just like the "Gurus" or even better.

Now you may be thinking... “Like the Gurus?... Really?”

Yes! Because nothing is held back...

We're giving you the fast, proven shortcuts to creating highly successful internet businesses rapidly. The type of businesses that can allow you to become your own boss and do what you want.

So you can...

Live The Life Of Your Dreams!

With Money Makers TV you'll most likely never have to buy another internet marketing product again.

You know what that means right?

You save time and money by getting the most effective money-making strategies sent directly to you immediately.

My team and I are always on the lookout for the latest, most effective strategies to reveal on Money Makers TV.

Essentially by experiencing this internet marketing university you can push yourself ahead of the game. While everybody else wonders what your secrets are!

Now if you’re thinking...

Can I Really Make Money

Learning From

Money Makers TV?”

Then the answer is -- Yes you can.

The proven strategies we give you come from years of tried-and-true, real-world experience. We've tested a variety of make money strategies to find out what really works -- and what makes incredible amounts of money.

But the kind of money you make is entirely up to you.

If you only do enough to make $100 a day then that's what you'll get. But if you do enough to make $10,000 a month then you'll get to enjoy the freedom that brings you.

In the end it's all about what you do to make it happen. That's why Money Makers TV is here -- to help you make it happen immediately!

 Because it's pretty easy once you know how!


Are You Wondering If Starting

an Internet Business is

Right For You?


Well ask yourself... Do you want...

To have extra income to take care of the bills?

To have sustainable income that will let you quit your job and be your boss?
To have enough income to have time-freedom and do the things you dream of in life?


If you said “Yes, I want those things in my life”, then signing up for Money Makers TV will be something you want to do right away.

But you probably want to know first...

How Much Investment Do I Need

To Get Started With a Real

Internet Business?”


Look, I understand when people begin talking about starting a business you may think there is a big start up cost involved. But with internet businesses that couldn't be further from the truth.

Many of the veterans you'll learn from in Money Makers TV got started with ZERO investment! And for those who started out seriously they only made a minimal investment.

Starting an internet business is one of the most low-cost businesses you can ever start. The beautiful thing is the earning potential is absolutely insane.

Case in point: the veterans who started out with ZERO investment now make over six-figures per year with their internet businesses!

So don't psych yourself out from starting an internet business because you think it would take a bunch of money to get started.

Now that you know an internet business is right for you, and what kind of investment it takes, let me explain in more detail what you’ll find within Money Makers TV...

With an ever growing supply of professional quality video content, we had to break it down into three powerful sections:


The Basic Skills Course


In this course I will teach you and show you the fundamentals of making money online.

This course is meant for anyone who is a complete beginner to Internet Marketing, and in it we cover everything a successful Internet Marketer needs to know, from :

- registering a domain name, through to…

- setting up websites easily, quickly and cheaply using
  Wordpress, and then…

- the basics of Adsense and Affiliate marketing with
  Clickbank, and not forgetting…

- traffic generation using article marketing, video marketing,
  and Social Media.

The whole course has over 40 instructional videos showing you every step you need, and so you don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of great content, and you get time to implement each step – they are released over a 3 month period.

Without knowing these fundamentals you will :

- go to seminars and forums and not fully understand what
  you are being told

- buy Internet Marketing products and be unable to properly
  implement them

- not be able to implement your own ideas

- be unable to put advanced strategies into action

Without this knowledge, you will waste your time, your money, and get frustrated. So this course shows you in 3 modules, 1 per month, the basics of making money.

It teaches what you need in order to be able to succeed, no more working in the dark… And NOW you can start to make money and build a real internet business…

The $100 a Day

Challenge Course

This course takes what you have learnt on the Basic Skills Course, and shows you how to apply it to make your first $100 a day within 3 /4 months.

This course will work for both beginners to Internet Marketing and Intermediate Internet Marketers, and covers:

- Building conduit and review websites and making money
  from Adsense

- Making money from affiliate marketing through Clickbank
  and Amazon

- Keyword and domain name research

- Advanced video and article marketing to drive traffic to
  your web-sites.

I have put this together after having spoken to lots of Internet Marketers who know that they aren’t like one of these gurus who makes millions from a single product launch, they don’t have the knowledge, the contacts, or the experience.

They wanted something that was achievable yet worthwhile doing – that would pay a few bills.

And then I wanted to have something that gives a real focus to all that you learn on the basic skills course, and not to raise unrealistic expectations.

Course on Advanced

Money Making Systems


Now, once you have made your first $100 a day and can show some results for your time, then it becomes a WHOLE lot EASIER to scale things up and apply your new skills and knowledge to make ANOTHER $100 a day doesn’t it ?

And then you are ready to move onto other money- making systems…


This course is for Intermediate Level Marketers with some experience of the different routes and processes available.
You need to have skills at the level of The Basic Skills and the $100 a Day Challenge in order to make the most of this course.

Again delivered over 3 months this course delivers proven moneymaking techniques including :

- YouTube, find out how to make money from YouTube
  without uploading any videos.

- Quick Cash, making money from major product launches by
  IM gurus

- List building, using all sorts of techniques from using
  squeeze pages, newsletters, to media buying.

The techniques are all ones that I have used myself to make money, so they come with all my knowledge about what really works and the returns you should expect…

Applying any of these systems will lead to you making a lot more money on top of the $100 a day you are already making, and will mean that you are knowledgeable enough to develop further and create your own real Internet Business.


Now check this out:

Like I mentioned we are always updating and adding new content every month. We take suggestions from YOU our viewers and make sure to add them to the line up for the following month.

The great thing is -- You'll be able to keep in touch with veteran internet marketers. And learn how they're making money every month!

From there you can use those exact strategies to produce more profits for your own internet businesses...

And make money that could literally change your life!

Here's Just a Few Reasons Why

Money Makers TV Is a Great

Opportunity For You:

Master the essential skills quickly and easily so you make your first $100 a day with no hassle!

Save yourself time and money from buying products you cant use!
Save yourself time and money going to seminars you don’t understand!
Start small, grow fast, and make some money quickly to pay a few bills!
Given plenty of money-making systems you can use that give you the time and money you want to live your desired lifestyle!
Get help taking massive action immediately. Money Makers TV won't be some ebook collecting dust on your computer!
The experience of watching veteran internet marketers break down their proven business models makes it nearly impossible not to make money!
All the information you need to make money online is gathered in one place. There’s no need to be a scavenger anymore wasting time searching through forums, articles and blog posts!
Each module comes with checklists to keep you on track, motivated and to record your own progress!
Ongoing support from our panel of experts – simply contact our support desk and ask for advice!
Our content is updated every month to give fresh ideas, strategies, and tools to grow your internet business each month consistently.
You have the option to download all the content in the format you like. Formats include Ipod format, Mp3 format, and flash video format. Essentially you can take our programs on the go and master internet marketing anywhere you choose!
Plus so much more!

You see, at Money Makers TV we make sure you can get everything your way.

I'm positive you'll have fun mastering and profiting with your own internet business. As it never gets old to put serious money in your pockets from the comforts of your own home.

It doesn't have to be a dream anymore. It's truly possible to make it happen.
But you may be wondering...

“Is This The Same Old Make

Money Online Stuff I See

Everywhere Else On

The Internet?”

Absolutely not!

 The majority of Money Makers TV programs are unique that can't be found anywhere else online.

You'll appreciate the fact that we continue to give you fresh content month after month. The type of content you can use to help you majorly boost your income online every single month.

And it’s not content that’s rehashed or horribly outdated!

So even if you think you already know about internet business and internet marketing -- there are plenty of unique money-making gems you'll uncover to help you stuff more cash in your pockets!

So let me show you...

How You Can Begin Making

$10,000 a Month Online

Starting Today:

I'm going to be as realistic as possible here.

This is not some kind of get-rich-quick scheme. You'll have to put in some effort to make decent money online. (and whoever tells you otherwise is lying through their teeth)

That means this opportunity is not for everyone. If you're lazy and think everything will magically happen for you then Money Makers TV is not for you.

But if you're willing to learn and take action then there's no doubt in my mind you can accomplish $10,000 per month quickly.

Here are five simple steps for doing so:

1. Sign up for Money Makers TV Today

2. Experience all the rich information and step-by-step walk troughs by veteran internet marketers. Also check out the “Your First $100 a day blueprint” module.

3. Start with a small goal like a $100 a day. Begin building your internet business and start marketing.

4. Once you reach your first goal of a $100 a day, you'll realize how much fun internet marketing can be. But don't get lazy here though! Keep building your internet business and target a new goal like $200 a day.

5. Each time you reach a new money goal make a new one at a higher level. Before you know it you'll be making $10,000 a month on full auto pilot!

Sounds simple enough right? Well it can be if you take advantage of Money Makers TV today...

"Okay Sarah, How Much

will it Cost?"

I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised with the cost of Money Makers TV.

You see, if you were to do this all by yourself it would probably cost you a small fortune...

Getting hidden secrets from veteran internet marketers is no easy task. Because they’re so successful and busy it would take you months just to get a hold of them.

And if you did get in touch, it would cost a ridiculous amount of money just to sit down and have them reveal their secrets to you.

Plus investing in new money-making systems each month would set you back a few thousand dollars every single month.

So you could spend a lot of your time and money trying to create the same powerful resources found in Money Makers TV... or you can simply subscribe with us instead.

If you subscribe to Money Makers TV today you can get the amazing, highly profitable experience of internet marketing university starting at just $1.

That's right! You can test drive Money Makers TV for Five days for just $1

And after five days it's only $47 a month.

** Warning: Time is running out! The $1 trial offer is only for a short time **

With Money Makers TV You're

Truly Saving a Ton of

Money and Time!

Getting top-notch internet business and marketing strategies... all into one place... for your convenient viewing pleasure... would be extremely difficult to find anywhere else!

In fact, Money Makers TV is the only internet marketing university of its kind in the world today. This is the only place on the internet where you can find the most effective make money online education in one place.

With your small monthly subscription fee you get unlimited access to Money Makers TV... and all of the future site updates and fresh additions.

Finally no more searching for the missing piece of the puzzle... that magic solution... you’ll accelerate your online success by learning from the “best of the best” in this business.

With Money Makers TV we give you professional quality... Practical and proven... Guidance for building a $10,000 a month internet business.

For you that means:


No more wondering what to do!

Start making extra or full-time income from home!
Enhance your life with all the money you'll make!
Say good bye to money worries!
Give yourself and your family the life you all deserve!

But That's Not All... I Got Even

Better News For You Today...

If you subscribe to Money Makers TV right now, I'm also going to give you 3 powerful money-getting bonuses worth $600 absolutely FREE!

When you subscribe you'll instantly receive:
Money-Getting Bonus #1

Rare Seminar Footage

From Internet

Marketing Gurus

Picture yourself being in a room full of internet marketing Gurus

Saj P
Armand Morin
Alex Goad
John Jonas
Brett McFall
Chris Freville
Reed Floren
Martin Avis
Mark Anastasi
Mark Vurnam


Imagine all of them in your living room disclosing their most coveted secrets to their wildly successful internet businesses... in easy to follow terms!

All you have to do is copy what they teach you to achieve similar success.

In this bonus module you'll discover 20+ hours of footage from underground seminars that you've probably never heard of...Secret seminars that only a lucky handful people were allowed to go to.

Now you can have it all with the click of a mouse!

Within the rare footage you'll witness Gurus reveal their coveted secrets on what they know about building profitable internet businesses... and... effective internet marketing. Topics include:


Affiliate marketing
CPA marketing
Media Buying
Email list building


Newsletter publishing

Search Engine Optimization

Pay per click
Plus much, much more!

Learning from these Gurus is like getting the exact blueprint to massive success online!

And check this out -- Going to one of these seminars would cost $5,000 or more for a seat. Not to mention travel and hotel expense. But with this amazing bonus you can scratch the attendance fee, travel costs and hotel expense.

Just login to Money Makers TV then viola! Enjoy a rare, mind blowing seminar right in the comfort of your home.

Nowhere else will you be able to get exclusive footage and knowledge like this together one place. In fact, having insider knowledge like this will give you an unfair advantage over thousands of other internet marketers.

Does that sound great to you?

If so, then make signing up to Money Makers TV something you do today!

Money-Getting Bonus #2

Millionaire Interviews










With this bonus you have the chance to get inside the minds of respected millionaire internet marketers.

Millionaires like
Martin Avis
John Jonas
Brett McFall
Mark Anastasi
Reed Floren
Mark Vurnam
Chris Freville
Armand Morin

In these interviews you’ll see internet millionaires spill the beans on their unique strategies that have helped them become the millionaires they are today.

The type of strategies that can explode your profits... and... take your internet business to soaring new heights.

 If you think about it... It really doesn’t get any easier for you to succeed than that!

In fact, the strategies are so successful and can make you so much money that your friends might think you robbed a casino! With all the positive cash flowing into your account you may have to warn your bank so they don’t become suspicious of you.

Because with the way these internet millionaires make gobs of money so fast you’d think they’re doing something illegal. But they’re not. Everything they do is completely ethical...

And you can use the same unique strategies to achieve financial freedom too!

Money-Getting Bonus #3

Essential Internet

Marketing Tools


With these two essential internet marketing tools you'll save time and streamline your business instantly. The tools you'll receive are:

1. Keyword Warrior

This software is a simple yet handy in-your-pocket keyword research tool.

All you have to do is enter your main keyword then watch as you get a massive list of related keywords you can use, as well as important Google, Yahoo and MSN search volume data.

2. Affiliate Warrior - Link Cloaking Tool

Every affiliate marketer needs this nifty piece of software.

Just enter your affiliate link and page title, and Affiliate Warrior automatically generates "cloaked" affiliate links. You can either generate basic cloaked links, or advanced cloaked links.

You get everything to make sure your affiliate marketing goes down smoothly.

You’ll receive all four incredible bonuses – absolutely FREE -- if you decide to sign up for Money Makers TV today.

As you can see, you're getting some major bonuses you can use to create real internet businesses and make money online for YEARS to come.

We want Money Makers TV to become your one stop shop for everything internet marketing. Nowhere else will you find all the supreme resources, together-in-one place, updated monthly, to help you build multiple $10,000 per month internet businesses with ease.

In fact, I'm so confident you'll be successful with Money Makers TV that I'm going to take all of the risk off of your shoulders and put it squarely on mine, with my:

100% Iron Clad... No Hassle...

Money-Back Guarantee!

I know personally that there is nothing worse than buying a product which makes big promises and doesn't deliver.

That's why my partners and I have had many sleepless nights making sure Money Makers TV is effective -- and Over Delivers!

So try out Money Makers TV and see for yourself how it can help you get rid of money worries in your life for good.

If for any reason you're not satisfied with your subscription then simply email us and we'll immediately give you a full refund for that month's payment.

No hassle... No questions asked.

Plus you can keep all four money-getting bonuses as a thank you gift for trying Money Makers TV.

We want to guarantee your satisfaction and make sure your viewing experience is absolutely top notch!

Now let's be honest here...

What's It Worth To You To Make

An Extra $10,000 A Month?

That would be an extra $120,000 a year. Really think about this. To have websites that can generate money for you, day after day, hand over fist — no matter what experience you have right now...

What's it worth to you to make that kind of money in your life?

I know an extra $120,000 a year would be enough to transform many peoples’ lives. That kind of extra money could mean:

Easily paying the bills each month
Taking care of any past loans
Being able to buy new shiny toys
Paying for new car
Taking a relaxing vacation to paradise with family and friends


The bottom line is -- it could mean achieving financial freedom and living the lifestyle of your dreams.

So don't let this opportunity slip by you!

If you truly want to become successful with a real internet business then you owe it to yourself to get the expert advice given within Money Makers TV.

Listen closely: You can do nothing and six months from now, you'll probably still be stuck in the same place right now.

Or you can subscribe to Money Makers TV instead.

The unique strategies, tactics, and techniques you're about to uncover is without question the quickest, easiest way to create stunningly successful internet businesses... and...  Implement highly profitable internet marketing with zero hassle.

You'll discover some of the “down-and-dirty”  secrets from veteran internet marketers and internet millionaires that’ll absolutely blow you away -- and stuff your bank account with insane amounts of money!

So get yourself started today. I promise, you are about to learn the proven strategies that'll help you make your first $100 a day, all the way to making $10,000 per month with ease.

Yes Sarah! I want To Subscribe to Money Makers TV and Get the Four Money-Getting bonuses That Come With it!

I understand that I'll be getting an ever-growing line up of proven internet business and marketing education for a special trial price of just $1. Then after 5 days I understand it's only $47 a month.

I know I can rest easy knowing that you honor a money-back guarantee which allows me to watch "Money Makers TV" under no obligations.

To Your Successful Internet Business,

P.S. Just to make a quick recap... If you subscribe today you'll get instant access to the first ever internet marketing university on internet TV...

The only place where you can get hours of professional video revealing veteran internet marketers’ super successful internet business models... and... top notch internet marketing strategies.

Updated with fresh content every month, the massive load of resources is broken down into four simple modules, which you can easily navigate to help you become a big-time money maker fast!

P.P.S. If for any reason you're not satisfied with Money Makers TV you have an iron-clad money back guarantee that last a life time. Plus if you cancel you can still keep all four money-getting bonuses.

So be one of the first to take advantage of Money Makers TV. You risk absolutely nothing by subscribing today!

P.P.P.S. The $1 Special Trial will only be around for a limited time. So don't waste another minute! Get full access to Money Makers TV and test drive it


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Email Promotion Secrets


Sorry, but my "Email Promotion Secrets" program has reached its 100 member limit and is now closed... But…that doesn't mean it's totally over – yet!

I may offer this program again, so if you want to be informed about any future opportunities please sign-up for my "Waiting List" below...


Email Promotion Secrets

Here's your download des...

Click Here to Download the Report

des, I'm releasing just 100 copies of Email Promotion Secrets video course very soon and the only way to ensure you get a copy is to sign up for the "early bird" notification list.

Click here to sign up...

Talk soon,


P.S. Did you check out my IM software? Click here to sell products on autopilot...


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Minggu, 24 September 2017

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#04 - Mutiara Hitam

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#04 - Mutiara Hitam
 Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1Mutiara Hitam

Seri : Bu Kek Siansu #04

Karya : Asmaraman S Kho Ping Hoo

Jalan kecil itu menuju ke kota Tai-goan. Jalan yang buruk dan becek, apalagi karena waktu itu musim hujan telah mulai. Udara selalu diliputi awan mendung, kadang-kadang turun hujan rintik-rintik, sambung menyambung menciptakan hawa dingin. Seperti biasa, segala keadaan di dunia ini selalu men­datangkan untung dan rugi, dipandang dari sudut kepentingan masing-masing. Para petani menyambut hari-hari hujan dengan penuh kegembiraan dan harapan, karena banyak air berarti berkah bagi mereka. Akan tetapi di lain fihak, para pedagang dan pelancong mengomel dan mengeluh karena pekerjaan atau per­jalanan mereka terganggu oleh jatuhnya hujan rintik-rintik yang tak kunjung henti.

Hujan rintik-rintik membuat jalan kecil itu sunyi. Dalam keadaan seperti itu, orang-orang yang melakukan per­jalanan melalui jalan kecil itu lebih suka menunda perjalanan, beristirahat di warung-warung sambil minum arak ha­ngat, di kuil-kuil atau setidaknya di bawah pohon rindang, pendeknya asal mereka dapat terlindung dari hujan. Kalaupun ada yang melakukan perjalanan melalui jalan kecil itu di waktu hujan ri
... baca selengkapnya di Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#04 - Mutiara Hitam Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Wiro Sableng #146 : Azab Sang Murid

Wiro Sableng #146 : Azab Sang Murid Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito


DALAM Episode sebelumnya (Lentera Iblis) dituturkan kejadian perkelahian hebat antara dua nenek sakti dedengkot rimba persilatan yaitu Hantu Malam Bergigi Perak dengan Sinto Gendeng. Hantu Malam Bergigi Perak menemui ajal akibat hantaman ilmu sakti Sepasang Sinar Inti Roh yang dilepas Sinto Gendeng dari kedua matanya. Sementara Sinto Gendeng sendiri walau mampu bertahan hidup namun keadaannya babak belur dan menderita luka dalam yang cukup parah. Mata kiri lebam merah biru. Dalam keadaan setengah pingsan setengah sadar entah dari mana datangnya mendadak muncul satu cahaya bergemerlap. Sinto Gendeng yang hanya mampu melihat dengan satu mata, terkesiap kaget sewaktu satu makhluk aneh berbentuk bayang-bayang perempuan cantik sekali dengan rambut tergerai lepas melayang ke arahnya. Tangan kanan menyambar ke pinggang. Sinto merasa ada sesuatu yang lenyap dari tubuhnya. Dia hanya bisa berteriak. Lalu tersungkur roboh, tergeletak di tanah dalam keadaan pingsan.
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Senin, 10 Oktober 2016


DUA PEMANCING YANG HEBAT Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

16 Januari 2008 – 12:24   (Diposting oleh: Editor)

Diceritakan tentang sebuah kejadian yang dialami dua orang pemancing yang sama-sama hebat, berinisial A dan B. Kedua pemancing itu selalu mendapatkan banyak ikan. Pernah kedua pemancing tersebut didatangi oleh 10 pemancing lain ketika memancing di sebuah danau. Seperti biasa, kedua pemancing itu mendapatkan cukup banyak ikan. Sedangkan 10 pemancing lainnya hanya bisa gigit jari, karena tak satupun ikan menghampiri kail mereka.

Ke sepuluh pemancing amatir itu ingin sekali belajar cara memancing kepada kedua pemancing hebat tersebut. Tetapi keinginan mereka tidak direspon oleh pemancing berinisial A. Sebaliknya, pemancing berinisial A tersebut menunjukkan sikap kurang senang dan terganggu oleh kehadiran pemancing-pemancing amatir itu.

Tetapi pemancing berinisial B menunjukkan sikap yang berbeda. Ia bersedia menjelaskan tehnik memancing yang baik kepada ke-10 pemancing lainnya, dengan syarat masing-masing diantara mereka harus memberikan seekor ikan kepada B sebagai bonus jika masing-masing diantara mereka mendapatkan 10 ekor ikan. Tetapi jika jumlah ikan
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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#08 - Sepasang Pedang Iblis

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#08 - Sepasang Pedang Iblis
 Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1Sepasang Pedang Iblis

Seri : Bu Kek Siansu #08

Karya : Asmaraman S Kho Ping Hoo

Kuil tua itu berdiri di tepi Sungai Fen-ho, di lembah antara Pegu­nungan Tai-hang-san dan Lu-liang-san, di sebelah selatan kota Taigoan. Sunyi sekali keadaan di sekitar tempat itu, sunyi dan kuno sehingga kuil yang amat kuno dan sudah bobrok itu cocok sekali dengan keadaan alam yang sunyi dan liar di sekelilingnya. Biasanya, kuil ini kosong dan bagi yang percaya, tempat seperti itu paling cocok menjadi tempat tinggal setan iblis dan siluman.

Akan tetapi, pada sore hari itu, ke­adaan di sekeliling kuil tampak amat menyeramkan karena ada bayangan-ba­yangan yang berkelebatan, begitu cepat gerakan bayangan-bayangan itu sehingga agaknya iblis-iblis sendiri yang sedang sibuk mengadakan persiapan sesuatu. Akan tetapi kalau diperhatikan, bayangan-bayangan itu sama sekali bukanlah setan melainkan manusia-manusia, sung­guhpun manusia-manusia yang menyeram­kan karena mereka yang berjumlah lima orang itu bertubuh tinggi besar, bersi­kap kasar dan berwajah liar. Gerakan mereka tidak seperti orang biasa, karena selain cepat juga membayangkan kekuat­an yang jauh lebih daripada manusia-manusia biasa. Golok besar yang terselip di punggung dan golok lima orang tinggi besar itu menandakan bahwa mereka adalah orang-orang yang
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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Wiro Sableng #162 : Badai Laut Utara

Wiro Sableng #162 : Badai Laut Utara Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito


TIGA penunggang kuda memperlambat lari tunggangan masing-masing ketika mencapai sebuah mata air di kaki Gunung Gede sebelah timur. Saat itu sang surya baru saja menggelincir dari titik tertinggi-nya udara yang sejuk di kawasan itu membuat terik cahaya matahari tidak terasa menyengat.
Penunggang kuda sebelah depan, seorang kakek berjubah kuning, berwajah merah seperti udang rebus dan cuma punya satu alis yaitu di atas mata kiri henti-kan kuda dekat mata air diikuti dua temannya. Dari peralatan penutup mata serta tanda-tanda pada pelana yang dimiliki tiga ekor kuda besar agaknya ke tiga penunggangnya bukan orang-orang sembarangan. Paling tidak mempunyai hubungan tertentu dengan Kerajaan di wilayah timur.

"Jika melanjutkan perjalanan dengan berlari, kurasa akan lebih cepat sampai di puncak gunung. Kita bisa meninggalkan kuda di tempat ini. Ada air, banyak rumput. Kelihatannya juga cukup aman. Bagaimana pendapat ki sanak berdua?" Si jubah kuning yang di Keraton Jawa Tengah dikenal dengan panggilan Lor Sakti Alis Tunggal bertanya pada dua temannya.

"Aku setuju saja," jawab kakek bermata juling mengenakan pakaian ringkas biru, lengkap dengan blangkon yang juga berwarna biru. Pada bagian depan blangk
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Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Hidup Menyenangkan dengan Syukur

Hidup Menyenangkan dengan Syukur Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“Joy is a heart full and a mind purified by gratitude. – Kebahagiaan dalam hati dan pikiran dimurnikan oleh rasa syukur.” Marietta McCarty, penulis warga negara USA

Kesibukan dan tekanan hidup seringkali membuat kita lupa bersyukur, yaitu berterima kasih atas segala karunia Tuhan YME. Sesunguhnya ada banyak hal berupa kemudahan dan anugrah luar biasa dari sang Maha Pencipta yang kita terima setiap hari. Bila kita banyak bersyukur atas semua anugrah tersebut ini akan memberi berjuta manfaat dan menjadikan hidup ini sangat menyenangkan.

Manfaat syukur akan kembali kepada orang yang bersyukur, dan salah satunya adalah menjadikan hati ini lebih tentram. Sebab bersyukur sama dengan mengingat kebaikan-kebaikan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan. Orang yang paling bahagia adalah orang yang pandai bersyukur.

Dalam hal ini saya mengutip rilis dari sebuah media mengenai Michael Inzlicht, dari University of Toronto, yang telah melakukan beberapa penelitian bahwa mengingat Tuhan itu akan memberikan rasa tentram. “Memikirkan tentang hal yang religius akan membuat kita lebih tenang ketika kita dihadapkan dengan hal yang membuat stres seperti melakukan kesalahan,” katanya.

Orang yang selalu bersyukur adalah orang yang merasa dalam curahan karunia dan kasih sayang-Nya. Karenanya, orang yang selalu bersyukur itu se
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Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Berkat Tauge

Berkat Tauge Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Gubrak! Ine membanting HP BW (Black and White) singkatan yang biasa digunakan siswa sekolah Ine untuk menyebut HP berlayar hitam-putih yang sama sekali tidak tren di zaman sekarang, benda itu baru saja menjeritkan alarm.
“Apa? Jam lima?” jerit Ine histeris.
Ine mengucek dan menyipitkan mata, berusaha memperjelas penglihatannya, lalu kembali menatap layar HP tanpa mematikan alarm, tak ada yang berubah, jam digital masih tetap menunjukkan angka lima. Di Aceh, daerah paling barat Indonesia ini, sahur harus diakhiri jam 05.00 wib, seiring berkumandangnya adzan subuh.
“Buset dah, kamu tahu nggak sih aku mesti sahur?” Tanya Ine kesal kapada HPnya.
“Itu sirine imsak!” jerit Ine histeris. Ine segera menghambur menuju dapur. Tanpa memperdulikan tatapan anggota keluarganya yang lain.
“Siapa suruh nggak bangunin aku?” batin Ine kesal. Ine meneguk air putih sebanyak-banyaknya, berusaha mengalahkan kecepatan sirine imsak dan berhasi
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